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A football club is as good as their fans and a stadium is as good as its atmosphere. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Saitama Stadium (Saitama,. var ma=function(){var a=function(){if(!l.frames.googlefcPresent)if(document.body){var b=document.createElement("iframe");b.style.display="none";b.style.width="0px";b.style.height="0px";b.style.border="none";b.style.zIndex="-1000";b.style.left="-1000px";b.style.top="-1000px";b.name="googlefcPresent";document.body.appendChild(b)}else l.setTimeout(a,5)};a()},na=function(a){var b=Date.now();W(a.b,"internal_api_load_with_sb",a.f.h(),function(){var c;var d=a.b,e=l[l.btoa(d+"loader_js")];if(e){e=l.atob(e);
The largest football stadium in Europe, Camp Nou has played host to some of the finest teams in the history of the beautiful game. CARLO. 20. From outside, the distinctive ramps and columns, along with that girder roof (added along with the third tier for the 1990 World Cup), make it look like something thats just landed from outer space. Their longest-running and deepest rivalry is with Galatasaray, with matches between the two being referred to as Intercontinental derby. published November 13, 2015. From the Santiago Bernabu to Camp Nou in Spain, to Juventus Stadium and San Siro in Italy, to Wembley Stadium and Old Trafford in England, here are our hand-picked selections of the best stadiums in Europe. Only the Main Stand remains from the old design, and it is dwarfed by the new stands which form a continuous loop on three sides of the stadium. Dortmund are now able to boast a superb stadium that marries modernity with fan values and, from being an unsung stadium outside of the Ruhr, the Westfalenstadion is now celebrated around the world as a symbol of the passion football inspires among fans. Pingback: Qu estadio tiene el mejor ambiente de Europa? Whatever the cause, Celtic Park is just as capable as anywhere in world football of creating a decent atmosphere when its needed. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Though that is probably an exaggeration, its certainly true that opposition supporters need to be wary when visiting. BayArena, Bayer Leverkusen. It might seem like an odd inclusion on a list of stadiums with the best atmospheres, but when did a piece ranking the match day experience at all 92 English stadiums, the Hawthorns came out on top. This has helped the Reds overcome some of the best teams in Europe. Even though they didn't qualify for the Super Bowl from the AFC . 4) Camp Nou, Barcelona, Spain. Home to West Ham United, this may seem a controversial inclusion as the London Stadium formerly the Olympic Stadium has been criticised for not being suited to football. Its easy to be dismissive of it as being just Scottish football, but when Brendan Rodgers was the manager he was able to take the team to an entire season without losing a domestic game; a feat rarely achieved despite it being just in Scotland. While it may not be as large a stadium as Old Trafford, partly due to it being hemmed in by terraced houses and roads, on big occasions Anfield retains an intimacy that is the envy of most of Europe. The Allianz Arena is a marvel in itself, holding up to 75, 000 people, the home of the German champions is just as famous for its ability to light up as it is for the football played inside. function(){D(a);l.setTimeout(function(){return E(a,3)},50)};C(a.f,a.i,2,!0,function(){l[a.h]||b()},b);a.g=!0}},D=function(a){for(var b=G(1,5),c=0;c
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