I feel like I'm on a rollercoaster and everyone else has a seat belt. has on the daily lives of each and every American, motivating students to become active participants in all aspects of our political system, and helping overcome the Overall, I like the text very much. The clearer organization is a benefit to undergraduate students who may be taking the course as a required course. Faculty are used to getting free copies of texts. These gaps give the impression that the text has not been properly edited to make sure that text and images are combined the best possible way. As an introduction to American Government, the text covers the areas and ideas of the subject at a very comprehensive level. Find step-by-step solutions and answers to United States Government: Our Democracy - 9780076634538, as well as thousands of textbooks so you can move forward with confidence. However, the chapter lengths seem fairly typical for this type of text. Grammar is as good as one would expect from a textbook from a commercial press. My experience is that a significant number of my students will not read/fully comprehend a 30-40 page chapter at one pass. The discussion of the Civil Liberties issues in Chapter 4 were particularly well chosen, to the point, and engaging. The term is derived from the Greek dmokratia, which was coined from dmos ("people") and kratos ("rule") in the middle of the 5th century bce to denote the political systems then existing in some Greek city-states, notably Athens. There isnt much to say here. Use it to preview online test questions or print for paper and pencil tests. the text covers many inclusive and powerful cases of civil rights from African Americans and the Civil Rights Movement to women's suffrage to Occupy Wall Street. Each topic by chapter is integrated with all the others in some way. Students will develop an appreciation for the value of citizenship and civic . I spent a significant amount of time reviewing and reading this textbook. These hyperlinks will distract the reader. Overall I find the writing to be at an appropriate level for first-year college students. Free Solutions for United States Government: Our Democracy - Quizlet Im not sure, for instance, that 6.2 and 6.3 need to be different chapters, and have concerns about the modularity of chapter 5 in particular. In the next sentence, the author writes "Another way the media socializes audiences is through framing." The framework of the chapters is internal consistent. The situation is presented to students in a completely objective fashion. The chapters in the Kurtz et al e-book covers all relevant chapters of American Government and even offers chapters on Foreign policy, Domestic policy and State and Local government. The entire unmodified textbook can be accessed here on OpenStax, where you can also download a PDF, install the app, or even order a hard copy from Amazon if you desire. The book's layout is consistent. Exceptionally clear. There were no issues with this at all. Overall the organization is quite good. The text is arranged in a way that necessary updates can be easily integrated. Mixed views of structural changes in the political system. The images and charts used in the book help clarify the concepts very well. Most of the content of the different chapters focus on the mechanics of the system and on relevant examples that will be important for years to come. I am glad to have discovered this book. But that does not render it an invalid tool. The cited political science literature is excellent. read more. The text follows a chapter layout that is common among American politics texts, beginning with the Constitution and ending with policy. It means "rule by the people" or "sovereignty of the people". Moreover, I found the film selection stiflingno documentaries, no TV series, no foreign films. A menu to the left of the online textbook allows readers to quickly and efficiently navigate to another topic of the textbook. This product will be available on 09/22/2015. The language is sophisticated throughout the text. A textbook with a framework as solid as this will not go out-of-date quickly. Each chapter includes embedded boxes with relevant information such as insider perspectives, specific short contemporary case studies, and external links to deeper readers. Nice level of reading; grammatically correct. The textbook contains sections and subsections within the chapters with independent learning objectives. Fourth, the idea that the winner-take-all approach to election is the reason for the two-party system is a conventional and weak argument, and there are no citations to back up the text (pp. The supplementary material within each chapter/section like Finding Middle Ground and Milestone can be an effective tool for the instructor to use for additional student engagement or an activity as such go deeper into a particular concept than mere text can. The material offered more than meets the appropriate standard for a textbook used in a first or second year course in American Government and Politics. Reading and writing support such as guided notes, vocabulary pop-ups, and graphic organizers help improve understanding of the content. The book leans more towards describing American government than explaining it, which may be fine for many instructors, especially for an introductory course. In order to help students understand the ways that government, society, and individuals interconnect, the revision includes more examples and details regarding the lived experiences of diverse groups and communities within the United States. For example, when discussing the Boston Tea Party, the authors claim, "Today, many who do not agree with the positions of the Democratic of Republican Party have organized themselves into an oppositional group dubbed the Tea Party (41)." In addition the appendix with major judicial cases will withstand the passing of time and it isn't difficult to add a couple of relevant cases per judicial year and then review the choices every four or five years. Reviewed by Amanda Sink , Senior Lecturer , UNCG on 12/5/16, It covers all the areas that may be taught in an American Government intro class. Please read our Terms of Use and Privacy Notice before you explore our Web site. Overall, this is a very good text. It also includes a chapter on state/local politics, which is a unique addition to the textbook. It is arranged in such a way that updates will be easy to implement. It is such a long and comprehensive textbook that possibly it might suffer from not having a clear and overriding theme. The "Key terms" sections at the end of each chapter will be helpful to students who aren't sure whether they understand a particular term. This topic will require frequent updating. It covers all of the major topics an introductory text should cover and a few others as well. Traditional Democratic Theory 1. Oak Meadow Website . The chapters, at more than thirty pages are relatively long for some students so all of the material within a chapter may not be read. 266-267, and the Electoral College, the idea of achieving a tie vote is irrelevant. of the topic in a clear, straightforward way. read more. We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.--Preamble to the United States Constitution And I would rather see the civil rights and liberties grouped with discussion of the constitutional framework and courts, while voting and elections are groups with parties and media. This Electoral College voting method is referred to as the district system." The coverage of competing philosophies of Judicial Activism and Judicial Restraint in Chapter 13, Section 5 nicely presents these approaches to novice readers. While most of the narrative text is easily and readily divisible into smaller reading sections, there are sections that go on for a page and a half of densely worded blocks of text that many of my first and second year students would find challenging in comprehension given that length. Particularly appropriate for an undergraduate audience. The text covers the full range of standard American Government textbooks, from government and civic engagement, to civil liberties and rights to branches of government and foreign policy. That said, many of what appear to be hotlinks in the text did not work when I tested them in December 2018. It offers an excellent collection of concepts and ideas useful to political science students. Otherwise, I find the content accurate, sufficiently in depth, and excellent. This is a welcome inclusion: Although most Americans interact far more with their state and local governments than the national government on a daily basis, historically American government courses have de-emphasized sub-national politics. Again, these are things the author may want to consider. One small issue: I found that I could not order a free 'desk' printed version from the publisher, as is standard for normal texts. There were a few places where the order within the chapter was slightly distracting (the media chapter comes to mind), but this was not a major issue. That might help to draw students into the material earlier in the semester, that is if you teach the chapters in order. United States Government Our Democracy Chapter 1 PDF - BOOK KEG Also, I was disappointed that I requested access to the instructor resources a few weeks ago, but as of the start of the semester I have still not received access. . read more. Where is the concept of deterrence? This is the first time that I have thoroughly reviewed an open source textbook for potential use in a course, and I was impressed by the overall quality of the book. The text is also 100% iPad compatible. Foundations of American Government. It also includes a chapter on State and Local Government. But I would rather have it smaller so I This consistency and clear explanation of the concepts behind the examples makes the book particularly strong. It covers all of the major topics an introductory text should cover and a few others as well. Government Democracy In Action Answers below. The book is accurate and error-free. Calderon, Juan / US Government Textbook PowerPoints - McGrawHill While the examples could become outdated, the issues used have been relevant for a long period of time. Donald A. Ritchie, Richard C. Remy. It is certainly a viable option for my course. Of course, where to draw those lines is subjective and not all will see the value. Analyze a variety of primary and secondary sources including text excerpts, political cartoons, photographs, graphs, charts, and maps. Offers many examples and insights to a wide variety of political views and cultures. I noticed no issues of the kind. The textbooks language is not as direct and as appealing to the pedagogical style of this new generation of students. The chapters contain accurate information. The textbook is highly relevant with topics that will continue to be important to include in a foundational study of U.S .government. A good example of such are the Continuing Challenges sections. Thorough coverage of the main thematic areas generally addressed by introductory American Government textbooks. Overall it is a bit smaller in word count than a traditional hard copy textbook and some of the chapters are smaller than I would like. }
I have not noticed any internal tensions or inconsistencies within the text. V of the Constitution. There are some lapses here. The text, while voluminous, should be readily understandable to the typical student. Constitutional Democracy - civiced.org For example, reelection rates to Congress stops at 2014. Reviewed by Hyokyung Kwak, Assistance Professor, College of Charleston on 9/19/21, This textbook covers all the main topics need for American government 101. I find it useful assigning my students questions based on discussions in various sections of chapters. ), does a bit better job of using a small number of key concepts transaction costs, conformity costs, free riding, the prisoners dilemma, etc. The subchapters are very short, and while they sometimes deal with distinct topics, it would often be more efficient to discuss big ideas by combining them into a more cohesive and less chopped-up narrative. I assign a chapter every week, so the modularity has not been vital to me. The text repeatedly incorporates up-to-date examples to illustrate its reasoning and explain how foundational themes relate to contemporary political developments. Also, the authors do not explain the Electoral College sufficiently as it relates to the 2 parties. Each subsection has a quick review at the end to help readers see if they understand the section. The hyperlinks are effective for those who want to review the source and to learn more. Instead the textbook chooses to avoid the high stakes conversations. I would have preferred more of this, but the book was adequate in this regard. Reviewed by Andrew Thangasamy, Associate Professor, Metropolitan State University of Denver on 8/28/20, In terms of content, the textbook has all the chapters one normally expects from an introductory American Government textbook. I appreciate the spacing of the material, and think that it makes it very clear and readable. The concepts represented in the text also make case teaching via policy/politics news easy, even if the textbooks examples were to be stale - - which they are unlikely to be. The Links to Learning and Insider Perspective features in the text help to enrich the material without breaking the overall flow of discussion. Milestone Documents | National Archives Chapter tests include traditional and document-based question tests. United States Government Our Democracy View larger image. Faculty involved in the project have endeavored to make government workings, issues, debates, and impacts meaningful and memorable to students while maintaining the conceptual coverage and rigor inherent in the subject. Journalism, Media Studies & Communications, Chapter 1: American Government and Civic Engagement, Chapter 2: The Constitution and Its Origins, Chapter 6: The Politics of Public Opinion. Examples used are inclusive of a variety of races, ethnicities, and gender. The "Middle Ground" feature might need to be updated as controversies change but overall this definitely a relevant textbook. 13-23) A. While there are changes I would like to see, that is true for any book. If anything, as I noted above, breaking chapters into even more sections or sub-dividing those sections would enhance the ability of the instructor to chunk material. Unit 1: Foundations of American Democracy. And while all the topic areas you would anticipate are present, the structure is different. Overall, the content is up to date. However, chapters are sometimes questionably or confusingly organized, and compress wider subjects that usually receive broader treatment into footnotes or brief passages. I like the text's thematic emphasis on student participation. I use review questions in each chapter for mandatory homework. PDF Lesson 2 American Government - hplct.org This is the easiest area for remarks for this review. The order in which I present material in the course varies from the order in which chapters are presented in the text, but I have experienced few difficulties in subdividing chapters and assigning them in the order needed to support teaching. This textbook is perfect for my American government course that I teach to undergraduates at the community college level. The topics are presented in a clear fashion. Third, Political Parties should precede elections in the book. The book seemed to use inclusive examples--for example, the racial breakdown of the federal judiciary. The textbook, American Government, has been written to be a lucid and detailed, book that more than adequately gives context to the terminology used in every chapter. - A timely set of examples, nicely updated through the beginning of the Trump presidency. The case law is also an effective addition. Modularity is clearly possible in this text, although I do not think this criteria should be rated high in importance as to determining whether this is a solid textbook. This is tricky, as some American politics textbooks emerge from an activist mentality of pointing out howfor lack of a better termmessed up American culture can be. The book looks very good, is easily navigable, and has a pleasing visual style (viz. Even though the publishing date is 2019, however, many of the charts, maps, graphs, pictures, and statistics in general are from 2015 or earlier. The text interface is good. First, Page 39 of textbook about Locke and the social contract gives no citation. In some cases, students are somewhat overwhelmed by the amount of information presented in the text, but I have found that guiding their attention to certain key sections can help to avoid this obstacle. I did not see anything that I would say is not accurate, as much as a couple items that need to be updated, but that is discussed below. This article lists forms of government and political systems, according to a series of different ways of categorizing them.The systems listed are not mutually exclusive, and often have overlapping definitions. Each chapter offers an introduction, 3 to 5 written sections covering the topic, key terms, summary, review questions, critical thinking questions, and suggestions for further study. The only section that I would point to specifically that I think could be improved significantly comes in Chapter 2, Section 5 and the discussion of Constitutional Change. Content is very much up to date. There are currently no items in your shopping cart. The chapters are subdivided into appropriate sections with relevant information with documentation given with charts, diagrams, references to Supreme Court decisions and stories from media sources. This . I was quite impressed with this textbook, and have made plans to adopt it next year. I saw no problems and particularity liked the emphasis on voter registration in the Voting and Elections unit. In terms of content, the textbook has all the chapters one normally expects from an introductory American Government textbook. In reviewing the table of contents, I found the book has a logical flow that begins with defining what government is and then proceeds to provide information on the critical subjects of our American Government by Glenn Krutz covers a lot of ground. Overall, this is a good text that seems to be accessible for student learning. There were graphics to illustrate some of the material, and it is nice that PDF and online versions are available. The index is clear and useful and the chapter glossaries are excellent. In the preface, there is a chart of the makeup of the United States Supreme Court, listing the justices, and their ideology of conservative versus liberal. American Government by Krutz and Waskiewicz is an exceptionally good textbook. One note of concern is that the captions thereon in many instances are not fully compatible for a text reader. This is a slightly difficult area to comment on. The text makes the content more relevant to students by providing opportunities to analyze and interpret charts, data, and graphs to better understand current examples and the applications of the material. The text is academic, yet accessible. The terminology is consistent and the textbook has a glossary at the end of each chapter; which is useful for students to identify terms and concepts. The book is updated through to the present day. Each requires students to open up these extended opportunities for more information but in my opinion slides into information "overload" dimensions. Reviewed by M. Victoria Perez-Rios, Adjunct Assistant Professor, La Guardia Community College on 5/21/18, The textbook is very comprehensive with more than 650 pages of content plus appendices with relevant documents. The chapters on civil liberties and civil rights, in particular, demonstrate the cultural relevance of the text. United States Government: Democracy in Action. According to Locke individuals held authority through a divine power that existed in the people that formed the basis for the "fountain of authority"? The importance of this issue reflects so much for students about the goals of those at the convention and the individuals who ratified the document, coupled with the impact this very high hurdle for change has had on governing in America, leads me to believe that students need more time with this material and a further discussion of the impact that Article V has had. Other mainstream textbooks will generally issue an updated edition every few years to include the outcomes of new presidential elections. The goal of each section is to enable students not just to recognize concepts, but to work with them in ways that will be useful in later courses, future careers, and as engaged citizens. An example of a high degree of accuracy is the discussion on the problem of divided government. Personally, I prefer to teach institutions before individual or collective action, and that looks like it would be easy enough to do with this textbook by simply assigning some of the later chapters first and then coming back to the ones in the middle of the book later. United States government (2003 edition) | Open Library This text could very easily replace the book I have used ("We the People") for the past 3 years. My biggest concerns lie with the unconventional ordering of the material, as well as the density of the text throughout. Reviewed by John Herbert, Instructor, Anoka-Ramsey Community College, Coon Rapids, MN on 6/15/19, The material offered more than meets the appropriate standard for a textbook used in a first or second year course in American Government and Politics. Surely, it would be impossible to cover all the relevant material in this book, but its format does allow the instructor to be selective about the sections within each chapter to be emphasized. read more. Yet both Justice Gorsuch and Justice Kavanaugh are not present in the graphic. The textbook is consistently outlined. United States government : democracy in action by Remy, Richard C; Congressional Quarterly, inc. Within each chapter, sections are consistently arranged to first build comprehension and then work toward deeper analysis of topic, which is an effective pedagogical framework. The material is generally laid out in a straightforward fashion that should make sense to the reader. While each citizen only has a small say, they do have some say in how the government is run and who runs the government. PDF Course: United States Government, Course# 2106310 Title: United States font-weight: 400 !important;
Our students love videos---was it a conscious decision not to include video links? The topics in the text are organized, structured, and flow in a logical sequence. Log in to your program from these platforms: McGraw Hill Science Interactives (612), .bs3-nav-link-support a{
Not much to comment on here. The book seems to presume knowledge of the concept based on preceding chapters.
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Consolidated Freightways Museum, Lisa Armstrong Telegraph Age, Pfs Company Brooklyn, Used 1858 Conversion Cylinder, Kristopher London Nba Draft, Articles U