You may also grab photos from social media to promote yourself and the club. There shall be no excuse for tardiness and in no case shall a contestant be allowed to make up lost time. After proper recognition at the check-inpoint, contestants will be allowed ample time to proceed to the weigh-in site; however, all fishing must cease upon check-in. Big Fish- In the case where two contestants are tied with the weight of a big fish. End of year point tiebreakers shall be total weights from full field days for the season. Any candidate for competition who, in the judgment of the Tournament Director, is impaired in such a manner as to endanger the safety and well being of their partner or themselves may not be eligible. If a member, I am currently in good standing with Wild West Bass Youth Series. I, THE UNDERSIGNED, do knowingly and freely assume all risk referred to above, both known and unknown. 56. Drive-thru weigh-in. Membership does not guarantee the ability to enter a tournament. Non-Member teams will pay a total of $100 per event. ALL BLADDER TANKS AND AUXILIARY GAS any other type of AUXILIARY gas tanks that are not installed by the boat manufacturer are prohibited. 67. By executing this agreement, I hereby agree to indemnify and hold harmless the GreenFish Marketing LLC, Wild West Bass Trail, Wild West Bass Youth Series from any loss, liability, damage or cost GreenFish Marketing LLC, Wild West Bass Trail, Wild West Bass Youth Series may incur due to a presence at any GreenFish Marketing LLC, Wild West Bass Trail, Wild West Bass Youth Series. Testing of engines during the off-limits period is not permitted on tournament waters. Any act deemed by WWBT officials to have the intention of preventing media coverage will result in disqualification from the event. I also understand I must provide my personal cell number capable of receiving text messages from the Wild West Bass Youth Series. Specially designed If after the emergency situation is resolved by tournament officials and enough time is left for the contestant to resume fishing, a RESTART may be allowed, and the contestant will continue, and their catch will be counted. REPORT AN EMERGENCY OR BREAKDOWN: Contact a tournament official by phone or other means or to report an emergency or breakdown, contestants must cease fishing at this point and their catch must be verified by a tournament official in order to be counted in the tournament. A voicemail or text message may constitute such communication. Any bass that appears to have been mangled, mashed, mauled or otherwise altered may be weighed and credited only at the discretion of tournament officials. Entry Fee Breakdown: Non-Member teams will pay a total of $100 per event. Failure to have an active/paid membership is grounds for disqualification. 24. Interpretation and enforcement of these rules shall be left exclusively to the Tournament Director or his/her designee at a tournament. Additional gas tanks that are factory options and installed by a manufacturers authorized dealer are permitted. Boats that do not have factory installed gas tanks are restricted to a The WWBT mobile APP allows WWBT officials to communicate with all its contestants. LOGOS AND/OR SIGNAGE: Contestants are encouraged to wear his/her own clothing which may bear patches, logos and other signage promoting the anglers sponsors. Each boat must have a U.S. Coast Guard horsepower rating plate attached to the boat by the manufacturer. All USPS entries must be received by the WWBT office by the published deadline date. Each angler of aTEAM must fill out and pay their own Open Qualifier Registration fee. Must have a valid receipt within 30 days of tournament. Lake Oroville// Oroville // March 3rd-5th,2023, March 3, 2023 | 2023, News, Oroville Pro/Am 2023, ProAm. The WWBT Tournament Director or rules committee or such person designated by the Tournament Director shall have the discretion to determine the need for a polygraph examination. I, the undersigned, as the legal guardian or legal authority to execute this Individual Release and Hold-Harmless Agreement (Release), acknowledge and understand, that as an angler, parent of an angler, or legally responsible agent of an angler at selected events, said angler upon being present at any event, may have personal contact with adults, children, and angler members and spectators. Co-Anglers shall not share any information gained from any of his/her previous day(s) Pro contestants with any other Pro contestants. Every board member, volunteer, and angling family must evaluate their unique circumstances and make an informed decision before joining or participating in WILD WEST BASS YOUTH SERIES events, WE hope this information will be helpful as you make that choice. Tournament officials reserve the right to restrict or enhance tournament waters based on conversations with local authorities. 122. Tournament waters may also be restricted at any time because of bad weather. June 10th, 2023. If I do not have my own e-mail address, I must furnish an e-mail address for a primary contact person. I, the undersigned, do hereby consent to the use by GreenFish Marketing LLC, Wild West Bass Trail, Wild West Bass Youth Series of the image, voice, or both of the minor child under the age of 18 described below, in (1) the video, photograph, or audio recording described below; and (2) any video, photograph, or audio recording reproduced either in whole or in part from the video, photograph or audio recording described below: regardless of whether these materials are used for fundraising, advertising, publicity, or any other purpose on behalf of either the Wild West Bass Youth Series. $2,000 plus $1,200 kayak package. If contestants admit to a rules violation, they may not file an appeal of either the finding that they have violated therules or the penalty imposed for the violation. Riders or media are allowed with preauthorization of the tournament director. CULLING TAGS or clips are allowed. 45. From the morning launch through check-in all WWBT contestants must have locations services for the WWBT APP turned on. Contestants shall demonstrate professionalism and integrity in support of the sport of professional fishing. PROS ARE REQUIRED TO MAKE ONE DRY STORAGE COMPARTMENT AVAILABLE TO CO-ANGLERS. Unless otherwise specified, all official times are specific to local host community. A designated tournament official must be granted access to the contestants boat at any time during the open practice or competition days. Co-anglers are not allowed to have more than six (6) rods. I also hereby grant GreenFish Marketing LLC, Wild West Bass Trail, Wild West Bass Youth Series the exclusive right to reproduce, digitize and edit the Work at GreenFish Marketing LLC, Wild West Bass Trail, Wild West Bass Youth Series sole discretion, to publicly perform, publicly display and distribute the Work in any advertising, promotion, and production-related to the Project or any related program produced by GreenFish Marketing LLC, Wild West Bass Trail, Wild West Bass Youth Series. TAXES: Participants are responsible for all applicable taxes, execution of all tax forms and rules on both cash and merchandise awards. In the event of an emergency arising out of serious illness, the need for major surgery, or significant accidental injury, I understand that every attempt will be made by the attending physician to contact me in the most expeditious way possible. As a general rule, WWBT views this as a 20-foot fiberglass bass boat similar to a Ranger Z520L with the motor trimmed down under its own power. PERMITTED FISHING METHODS: Fishing is defined as having a lure attached to a line and a rod and reel with the rod in hand. In all cases where communications are initiated by a contestant, theTournament Director must be called prior. 2019 OFFICIAL RULES OF COMPETITION-Pro/Am. I fully understand that this is a release of liability, and express the assumption of risk and indemnity agreement. Contestants shall, always, conduct themselves in a manner becoming of a professional that will not reflect unfavorably on WWBT, its members, sponsors, events or representatives. I(We) agree that I have fully read and accept the Official Rules of this Tournament. WWBT contestants are required to police themselves each competition day. 22. Random checks may be conducted and any contestant who does not have proof of valid insurance with $300,000 coverage will not be allowed to participate and all entry fees forfeited. Non-Member $50 (Per Angler/ Event), Member of WWBYS $37.50 (Per Angler/ Event). PAYOUT:100% of WWBYSWest Coast Championship Entry Fees go towards CASH SCHOLARSHIPS and PRIZES! Apex Pro Tour. MUST PRESENT ALL LEGAL FISH: after contestants check in at the official checkpoint they MUST present all LEGAL fish in their possession to a tournament official to be counted, measured and weighed. By participating in this Tournament, I, THE UNDERSIGNED, fully and unconditionally agree to and accept the Official Rules and the decisions of GreenFish Marketing LLC: Wild West Bass Youth Series, which are final and binding in all matters related to the Tournament. Priorities will be: 1) anglers that sign up for 3 or more events, 2) Anglers signing up with a pro/co combination 3) Date registration was received. The WWBT Tournament Director or his/her designee shall be responsible for selecting an independent expert to administer and interpret the results and establishing, in consultation with the expert administrator, the scope of the questions which may be asked during the polygraph examination. Angler of the Year includes total score of all 4 events. In addition to adhering to the Rules and Code of Conduct, to ensure effective and timely communication between Wild West Bass Youth Series and the anglers, I understand that I am required to provide Wild West Bass Youth Series with a current e-mail address. 58. Contestants compete in WWBT contests at the sole discretion of WWBT. Information from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) states that older adults and people of any age who have serious underlying medical conditions are at higher risk for severe illness from COVID-19. Wild West Bass Trail 47. Failure to go through boat check and check-out in themorning or failure to check-in at the check-in point in the afternoon may result in disqualification. It is suggested the Pro contestant have a safety check with the Co-Angler each day prior to the launch to familiarize the location of all safety equipment. Still photos and videos taken by an angler during a tournament may be posted to social media and the anglers website after the tournaments conclusion.
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