* Push- Sell it. Sweet: A sugary flavour. Nuff said, -I would call this Scalper, but any employee that gives extra servings, overly large portions, doubles in the place of singles, etc.on a regular basis, in hopes of a larger tipMay also be subject of, or an instigator of, a clam dip and gets away with it. Ex. 250cc dragon custom chopper; blackhead ghi mojave / ebay ceo contact information / food abbreviations for waitresses. i got stiffed., turn: verb. * Redneck The non-tipping public, not related to a rural type person, meaning a cheapskate. Create your own flash cards! shoemaker: a cook who prepares food that tastes like chewing on leather. If you ask for a unspecified gin and tonic you will get whatever gin they serve as opposed to a Tanqueray and tonic. On the Back Forty working an undesirable station in the dining room. Kitchen equipment and appliance slang: spider, china cap, rondo, robot coupe, reach-in, lowboy. That super crunch french fry that stuck in the basket for 3 rounds. Graveyard when you have a bunch of food dying in the window due to servers not picking it up. XD, Space pussy, the metal scrubbers used in restaurants. Canadians, guests that either dont tip of tip well below 15%. pouring ketchup from half-filled bottles into other bottles to make full bottles, Mike and Ike/the twins: salt and pepper shakers, Million on a platter: a plate of baked beans, Moo juice/cow juice/baby juice/Sweet Alice: milk, Mother and child reunion: chicken and egg sandwich, Noahs boy: slice of ham (Ham was one of the Biblical Noahs sons), Noahs boy with Murphy carrying a wreath: ham and potatoes with cabbage, On a rail: fast (as in Fries, on a rail!), On the hoof: any kind of meat, cooked rare, One from the Alps: a Swiss cheese sandwich, Paint it red: put ketchup on a sandwich or dish, Peel it off the wall: add a leaf of lettuce, Pigs in a blanket: sausages wrapped in pancakes, Pittsburgh: something burning, toasted or charred, Put out the lights and cry: an order of liver and onions, Radio sandwich: tuna fish sandwich (tuna down or tuna on toast sound like turn it down, the command often repeated when the radio is on in the kitchen), Raft: toast, or when used with burgers, a toasted bun, Run it through the garden: any sandwich, usually a hamburger, with lettuce, tomato and onion added, Schmeer: cream cheese, usually on a bagel, Shake one in the hay: strawberry milkshake, Shingle with a shimmy and a shake: buttered toast with jam or jelly, Shoot from the south/Atlanta special: Coca-Cola, Shot out of the blue bottle: Bromo-Seltzer, Slab of moo, let him chew it: rare round steak, Splash of red noise: a bowl of tomato soup, Sunny-side up: eggs fried without flipping them so the yolk looks just like a sun on white background, Sweep the kitchen/sweepings/clean up the kitchen: a plate of hash, The works: a hamburger, hotdog, sandwich or similar with all condiments on it, Twelve alive in a shell: a dozen raw oysters, Two cows, make them cry: two hamburgers with onions, Walk a cow through the garden: hamburger with lettuce, tomato and onion, Walking in: a new order just arriving in the kitchen, Western Coffee: coffee that has been on the range all day, Why bother: decaffeinated coffee with non-fat milk, Winnie Palmer: half sweet tea, half lemonade, Zeppelins in a fog: sausages and mashed potatoes, Compiled by Garrison Leykam, author of "Classic Diners of Connecticut". Click these links to jump to a letter to look up a term: Certain foods can be partly cooked beforehand and finished when the party arrives, saving time all around. Meaning a server walking by the window could run food even if one of their hands were full because it was such a small carry, make me a hero used by expediters to notify to the cooks that all they need to sell this ticket is one last item. Many of those openings are expected to result from the need to replace workers who transfer to . Smoky: A taste recollective of the smell of smoke. Neat-poured straight out of the bottle into guests glass. This causes the servers to lose money because they cannot turn the table., Cats heads and easy diggins: biscuits and gravy, C-board: prepared to take-out (in cardboard), Check the ice: look at the pretty girl who just came in, Chewed with fine breath: hamburger with onions, Coffee high and dry: coffee with no cream or sugar or black, Coffee high: coffee with cream only (no sugar), Cowboy coffee: coffee made with all chicory, Cowboy Western: a western omelette or sandwich, Cowboy with spurs: western omelette with French fries, Customer will take a chance/clean up the kitchen/sweep the floor: hash, Double black cow: double-thick chocolate shake, Dough well done with cow to cover: buttered toast, Drag it through the garden: a hamburger, hotdog, sandwich or similar with all condiments (vegetables) on it, Drag one through Georgia: Coca-Cola with chocolate syrup, Drag one through Wisconsin: serve with cheese (for example, a cheeseburger), Draw one in the dark: cup of black coffee, Draw one in the dark/flowing Mississippi: black coffee, Dry: a hamburger, hotdog, sandwich or similar without butter, mayonnaise or other dressing, Dusty Miller: chocolate pudding, sprinkled with powdered malt, Eggs up: two eggs fried on one side, unflipped with unbroken yolks, Eve with a lid on: apple pie (referring to the biblical Eves tempting of Adam with an apple, the lid is the pie crust), Eve with a moldy lid: apple pie with a slice of cheese, First lady: spareribs (based upon the creation of the biblical Eve from Adams rib), Flop two, over easy: fried eggs, flipped over carefully, with the yolk very runny, Flop two, over hard: fried eggs, flipped over, with the yolk solid all the way through, Flop two, over medium: fried eggs, flipped over, with the yolk beginning to solidify, Fly cake/roach cake: raisin cake or huckleberry pie, Four on two over easy: two orders of eggs over easy, Fry two, let the sun shine: two eggs fried on one side, unflipped with unbroken yolks which are generally runny, GAC : grilled American cheese sandwich (from the pronunciation of GAC; also called a jack or a Jack Benny if theres bacon on it), GAC Tommy: grilled American cheese sandwich with tomato, Gentleman will take a chance: Plate of hash, George Eddy: customer who didnt leave a tip, Graveyard stew: milk toast (buttered toast, sprinkled with sugar and cinnamon, and dropped into a bowl of warm milk), Hatching it: a fried egg on toast with a hole cut out of the center, Heart attack on a rack: biscuits and gravy, Hen fruit or hen nuts: eggs, sometimes boiled eggs, High and dry: a plain sandwich without butter, mayonnaise, or lettuce, Hoboken special: pineapple soda with chocolate ice cream, Hot blonde in sand: coffee with cream and sugar, Hug one/squeeze one: glass of orange juice, Ice the rice: rice pudding with ice cream, In the weeds: a waitress or cook who cant keep up with the tables or orders, Leo: lox, eggs and onion, usually served as an omelette (common in New York City), Let it walk/go for a walk/on wheels/give it shoes: an order to go, a take-out order, Marry: consolidate food in same containers, e.g. That was terrifically hard to read. SECTION- another name for station or the area/tables a server waits on. The light-hearted, tongue-in-cheek and even sometimes risqu phrases could be heard in wide use in busy diners during the 1920s continuing on well into the 1970s. Sort. * Paddy Well A term used very frequently in Irish Pubs and Restaurants, which means to cook it until there is no possibility of life remaining. holding on the last item needed to complete the order. * Cant cook his/her way out of a paper bag Someone who cant cook well, usually applied to describe someone thats a terrible cook/chef but thinks that he or she is the greatest. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Heather graduated from the Culinary Institute of America and has spent 20+ years in the Foodservice industry. -Dish Pig- the poor, unfortunate soul that washes and sterilizes dishes and cookware. Ive never heard in the weeds before, its a cracker. Is killing me, I cant find it anywhere! Facebook. I love them all! When ordering pizza, servers use TH to indicate a thin crust or P for pan (thick crust). Literally food. Specifically implies pre-shift staff meal. Spanglish. tray jack LOL!! Chef: Savannah, get me a sixth pan, heard? Holding Tables: When the kitchen is in the weeds holding guests in the waiting room until the kitchen can catch up (even if there are open tables. Run - To bring something to a table. * Stiffed A customer has left the restaurant without tipping the server. It requires the server or attendant to make change by hand/mentally. Burn the Well (Verb)- To pour hot water into the well melting the ice in order to clean it. The list of 12k Food acronyms and abbreviations (February 2023): 50 Categories. 19. Ive also heard comn out / in! This past October at the Restaurants Rise conference powered by MUFSO, we got the opportunity to interview several restaurant operators about how theyve risen to the challenges presented by the pandemic. Keep It Simple Stupid, In regards to creating dishes, menus or table settings for a restaurant or special event. Its slow, Ive only had like one turn tonight., two- three- or any number top: noun. Mealy containing meal; soft, dry, and friable. Silky: A fine, smooth texture characterized by a sleek feel in the mouth. drop: verb. Board The place where you put the tickets. abbreviation for reservation. Can refer to either a literal reservation, eg I made the resos for 7:30 or people who have made reservations, eg we have 350 resos on the books tonight., run: verb. We at Tundra Restaurant Supply wanted to put together one of the most complete guides to restaurant lingo, terms and slang. These customers typically are not concerned that they put you in the weeds, -Rug Rat- small child that is going to make a MESS of the table. The values of hands, HEARD, on your back, moving on your left/right, and behind were unsurpassed in any ofther form of safety or manners and spoken loud and clear. Restaurant workers need to communicate effectively in a fast-paced work environment to perform their duties efficiently. Gratutize to add a fixed gratuity parties of (any number) or more. The next level above Cremate it. While you can still hear some of the remnants of diner lingo in use today in classic diners, its prevalence has been drowned out by the emergence of fast food chains and computer ordering. Mondays- a table of undesirable customers ( everybody hates Monday s, back to work day) Will someone pick this up. Menu. Dr Garfield, we called that sandbagging or to be sandbag Line cooks also did a form of that at the begging of a rush cook off 10 steaks mid rare so that when you got that mid well it took less time to cook it. Not to say that Ive only focused on health. @Butch, ugh, Im a grammar nerd, so all I could do was hang my head and cry, http://roseledgarddesigns.files.wordpress.com/2012/10/tumblr_lvhuqruxud1r1vzzeo5_r1_500.jpg (this is me now). Idiomatic Spanish. Covered: To add cheese to something. Single sell: a single order ticket. June 17, 2022 . But said and required as a comeback when posed as a question. comida: idiomatic Spanish. Kitchen staff also rely on modifiers to ensure that food is prepared and packaged correctly. * Drop the Cheque Taking a guests bill to their table for payment. Answer (1 of 3): I don't believe there is a standard set of food abbreviations. Dry well when the water in the hot well dries up and smells awful. Thanks for sharing, Sara. And, back when the whole kitchen was obsessed with the Walking Dead: Jenny Craig The furthest Server section in the restaurant. stab your ticket then. Heres some slang I remember. Suggest. Do any of these sound familiar? (mostly used on large parties of foreigners). We use thank you interchangeably with heard. Seagulls/Vultures: Servers who swarm the plate being put up for sampling for the nights specials. Any that should be added that you dont see here? -Misfire (shooting blanks)- an item of food that the cook/chef usually admittedly discards, having incorrectly applied temperature or timingmust apply to spoilage. ie it was so bad we were stacking bills, or when a server asks about a particular table and the wheel responds, i dont see a ticket for table 38, it must be in the stack. Go void that item off of the receipt/check. Set Up a set of cutlery and napkins, sometimes glassware, as in I need 2 extra setups for table 4., Up meaning up in the window, ready to go to table as in Two salads up!, Down server just put food on a table as in Two salads down!. Some common pizza topping abbreviations include SA for sausage, P or PEP for pepperoni, ON for onions, GP for green peppers and GO or BO for green or black olives. I cant believe you sat a double at my 6 top instead of the bar, On tether: refers to customers/parties who are waiting to be seated, esp. Most of the time a server knows to check how hot a plate is (especially ones that were dying [in the window]) but when handed from bare hand to bare hand one expects it not to be hot. The kitchen being in the weeds can mean having only one 2 ft by 3 ft grill and having 40 people order medium well steaks in the space of five minutes. Turning/Flipping Tickets (Verb)- To turn the latest tickets on the rail around to the blank side so as to stay organized and worry about current orders intending to turn them back when caught up to the order influx. Working: The opposite of all day, if the sous chef asks the grill cook how many filets he has, the working number is the amount on the grill or in the oven, actually cooking, all day means total. * Two second rule The amount of time between when a piece of food hits the floor and when its picked up and placed in a saut pan or on a plate, generally accompanied by a guilty look to see if anyone else saw it. Nya Nya overcooked pasta turns to nya nya. Entrees served a la carte are often preceded or followed by AC, while the full dinner portion including sides, soup, salad, dessert is labeled with a D. Side dishes are often distinguished with SD, as in "SD rice.". WOW a HUGE addition to the list thanks Steve! Overhead may include electricity costs, paper and chemical products, employee salaries and any additional costs that may be relevant in serving an item. Love it plus its hilarious. Quat, quat strips, sani bucket If you kill it, refill it. * Campers Customers that hang out at a table all night long and even turning off all the lights doesnt get rid of them at closing time. Sorry, I know you were next but I had to skip rotation because they wanted to sit over there!, Runner- the person who brings the food from the kitchen to the table. ie I need 2 cakes for a single sell. Then came a rotation in public health as a civilian, and some of what I saw in allegedly five star kitchens was criminal. verbal: verb. on the fly: emergency status. -Afterburner-Somewhat dual meaning. * Sommelier Wine Steward or wine waiter. I meant, rocking and rolling were used interchangeably**, Step out I respectfully announce and request permission to go to the rest room for an urgent bodily need, Steppin out, Chef, K?. table with the specified number of people. What does one call a really good return (loyal) customer? ( To Rail- to move a new ticket the furthest left on the rail thus increasing its priority). hot behind someones coming behind you with hot pans, dishes, etc. Also worth noting.. Yesterday and on the fly mean the same thing, but imply different things. (Pls see the following for image). Diner lingo was never intended for use in speeding up the order-to-table process. ; Campers: Customers who remain seated at a table for . I cant believe noone said : HEARD self-explanatory,yes. * Sous Chef Generally the second in command in a kitchen; there can be an Executive Sous Chef, generally found in a larger kitchen with a lot of staff. He/She deserves a title. Food Service. The duties and responsibilities of a Waiter/Waitress include welcoming and seating guests, taking guest orders, communicating them effectively to the kitchen and in addition, memorizing the menu and offering recommendations to upsell appetizers, desserts, or drinks. Runner, tray runner, two hands (two plates) someone to take food to a table. This was fun! a specific insult to the server. See Screamer. : A cook or chef would yell Hands! to signify a tables order was in the window, and that any available server should take it out. -Curtain Crawler- a slightly older child, that runs amok around the joint irritating and annoying other customers. awibs says: June 13, 2010 at 3:53 am, some of this is redundant, but some of it is different. Peg dish rack with pegs for plates, etc. "We need six cheeseburgers all day and one caesar salad." Chit (n.) - Another name for the order ticket. food abbreviations for waitressesmasa year of service PB Nitom Blog . When an attractive person is seated you may hear, You need to do a drive by on table 21, Open menu count- the number of guests that still have their menus, and are waiting to order. It signifies traffic flow and whether or not a food critic or health inspector is in the restaurant. For instance, I might write down BBQ chix & fry. Generally root vegetables, potatoes, carrots, but sometimes zucchini or other soft vegetables are used. 2 popular forms of Abbreviation for Waitress updated in 2023 ie cover that hash/fries/pattie. Guest 23 is on deck for seating or Sue, can you tell me whos on deck to be relieved for break after Mandy, Condiments: Usually any sauce or substance to top off presentation or to enhance flavor that is added to their food by the guest themselves, or not added if instructed to the serving staff taking the initial order. All hands on deck: When multiple tables are in the window dying (graveyard) everyone comes and get their food out of the window. * No Call/No Show Employee who does not show up and does not call or a Reservation that does not show up and does not call. On the Judge Jeanine Pirro show today a young woman said all the register computers went down one day and the manager said to work out of the bag. to list off menu modifications that are not printed. 2 and 2: Used in breakfast joints. Pantry: Any area where the dry storage is, usually where pasta and canned goods are.
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