He nodded and looked sad "good" Then you bitch slapped him across the face. had to come today? to talk to you. point quickly, having no time at all to deal with the annoying nicknames they Are you gonna cheat on my if i go on a trip for work or for family? insecure you were when trying to comfort someone, how you always thought you Enjoy! Im so sorry for all the pain I caused you. he reached Inspired by TyTy (go check her out btw!). Hinata, have you seen ____ tonight? Tsukishima cut to his tanaka He broke down during class and you decided it was time to talk so you brought him out of the room to talk to him. him, cutting off his route to the stairs, Listen to me!, Why should I? and being human!, Oh yeah? You were honestly tired of it, and sick of being the only one trying in this relationship. everything about you. loudly, Ill pay for this one, darling.. He wasnt quite sure how to fix this problem you two had. the air. Youre a nothing if he didnt have you. What was he doing? Whether or not you want to come with me is your choice. You couldnt even look at him anymore, you were crying so much. Not sure how to tell you continue asking around. his head with your force. stopped toying with his head. It killed him that you were really gone. Does he fuck you better than I do? He hissed, teeth grinding together,Why dont you just break up with me?, What the fuck Yuu! You wailed, nails digging into his skin. your beautiful hair and favourite bag, he had no doubts anymore. Asahi tried not to lose all hope right there, so he carefully sat next to you. Youre just so fucking bitter., Bitter? He spat, fists clenching,What the fuck do I have to be bitter about? You hate the fact that you gave up and Im still going to school for-. Dont you ever shut up, _____? #yamaguchi, You finally sat down and talked to him and you were confused as to why asahi was there and hinata noticed "asahi-senpai is here to tell you that im telling the truth because he saw the whole thing.and he's also here to protect me" you tried not to laugh and then they explained everything and you hugged hinata "oh thank God!". Thats your choice, He said quietly,"I dont expect you to leave with mebut Im leaving. third time this week, Kuroo called back to mind all the regrets he had in his Do you even care, Tobio? You froze, startled by his sudden outburst. match hed told you to stay away from but youd been there to support him like remembered how you used to carry my books for me. Take a step back away from him. Lets just um..lets just get to the story, He was having a bad day so you tried to cheer him up but things kept piling up and he snapped and started yelling at you. Then why dont we break up Tobio? You sobbed,If Im still not important after all these years, then somethings wrong. four and a half or so hours since youd left his house, the feeling of your He arrived at the church not He didn't sleep for two days to make sure that he didnt have the dream again. What?! Im not fucking anyone else! He dragged a hand through his hair, mussing it further. he couldnt remember what had happened to you in the nightmare. He didnt like yelling at you, he hated fighting. He was upset because a guy was flirting with you and you didnt realize so he thought you were trying to cheat so you yelled back before running off. Please forgive me.. SCENARIO WITH TSUKKI WHERE HIM AND HIS S/O GET INTO LIKE A SUPER HEATED HEATED ARGUMENT AND ALL HELL IS BREKAING LOOSE BECUASE THE S/O IS A LIL FIRE BALL AND SHE STORMS OUT OF HIS HOUSE OR WHEREVER THE FIGHT TAKES PLACE AND THEY BOTH NEED TO BLOW OFF SOME STEAM BUT IT GETS LATER AND DARKER AND DARKER AND TSUKKI STARTS TO GET LIKE WORRIED ECUASE SHES ONT ANSWERING ANYONES CALLS AND NO ONE CAN FIND HER NAD ITS LIKE 3 IN THE MORNING WHAT WOULD HE D O *angst anon crawls back into the depths of hell*. was Matsukawa was talking to you about. He saw you walking outside, in your perfect white dress and out to touch your hand, biting his lips to keep the tears from coming out. Daichi hadnt yelled like this in a long time. He swore that he wouldn't do it again and you chuckled "i know it wont happen again. He curled his fingers tighter around your collar,Yeah, didnt feel the need to tell me about going to see your new toy. You stood there for a moment, I told you youre being nothing but an Can we save the sugar for tomorrow morning?. life, remembering one moment in particularwhen you caught him sleeping with And you felt like their mother. ceremony was ready to begin, snapping you back to reality. His eyes scanned the room nervously, UmmI dont think so, Alright, You grabbed your bag off the kitchen counter,Ill be leaving then., Wha-what? Do you expect me to change for you? He taunted, he knew that was going to hurt you. Daichi You were still screaming at him though,What the fuck is wrong with you?! You kicked a ball and it hit Yamaguchi in the back of the head. tanaka Nishinoya had assured him that he was nothing to worry about, that he should just trust you. It was a picture frame, and the glass shattered loudly. - When he tried to ask you about it he didn't know the right words to tell you how he felt and ended up yelling. slightly, but not bothering to look at the person, he mumbled, Sorry, #lev Now shut up" he kissed you and you guys spent the night togethersleeping. ! He was yelling now, and you were crying openly despite trying so hard not to. Theres no one else!, Then why the hell are you always out so-, Because I have work to do! He turned towards you and you gulped "hehe.hi" he walked towards you but you were too scared to say anything so you just shook in your shoes "was that you?" Oikawa You nodded and made him take you out to get ice cream. I still remember walking soothe you. Iwaizumi repeated as he listened to his friend on the phone. You were at your own practice that day and practicing your serve when he jumped out of no where so out of instinct you hit him with the ball. you, he forced himself to take a step forward, and another one, and another executive in another city. #tsukashima What do you mean we have to move Koushi? You asked from across the table,How long have you known this?. Y/n aint messin around". He took you on a date as an apology. loss. I told you I wouldnt be around. Lets get out of here, shall we? As the guy you had spent at the office working overtime, Taking a long pause, you let him suffer for a bit before you You mean? He thought about all the long hours And I thought you were sick of me and-, Shhhh, He hugged you tighter and kissed your forehead,Its okay. He He sighed and walked over "what?" Also I need to get going I have to get ready for work" he was confused so you explained what happened. He was getting side tracked and wouldn't listen to his team mates so you threw a ball at his head. ! He found himself screaming, ripping the book you had been reading out of your hands and throwing it across the room. ! He yelled,Why would you go out with someone without telling me!, I didnt go out with anyone! You groaned in frustration,I told you I was walking home from work and ran into an old friend so we got coffee, thats it!, Why should I believe you? you.. You shrugged "fun" he looked away and pouted before he finally joined his team. Let me help you. You stated seriously, getting up and walking after What if I made dinner sometimes? He suggested, smirking. these are literally SO CHEESY like you wont even understand until you read it so feel free to click off if its too much), telling their s/o theyre being too clingy, atsumu had woken up on the wrong side of the bed for some reason, he barely said anything to you in the morning and was ignoring your texts all day, when he finally got home, he was the same, you figured that maybe he needed some cuddles or positive affirmations, so you climbed into bed next to him and put your head on his chest, he just rolled over on his side, pushing you off him, why cant you tell when i want to be alone? anyways i feel like if i were in a relationship (PLS ive never been in one before *cries in commitment issues*) id definitely be too clingy so i wanted to write for this one. He reassured you that he was fine and then you sighed in relief before helping daichi again. You had so many things to accuse him of, you were just getting warmed up. Your vase was broken and the flowers that had been in it were now laying haphazardly around the room, every throw pillow you owned was on the floor. a good girlfriend. have slipped out the door before he had a chance to see you, but you couldnt Didnt #hinata commemorate it You chuckled a bit at that. You know, while were on the subject.. Me too He smiled weakly, leaning in to press a kiss to your forehead. He really loved you. You had both spent the last hour getting in each others faces, screaming at one another. his chest before he grabbed his glasses and walked downstairs quietly, not pathetic, dejected expression on his face. tobio You got bored and asked asahi if you could borrow a ball he smiled and handed you one. Saeko told you what happened and you immediately felt ten times better. Like you hadnt just threatened to break up with him and stormed out of the apartment. And it hit him, it hit him hard. I make more than you, He explained,Its just the logical decision., Money isnt all that matters! You cried,I worked really hard for this! C-children? tsukashima @queenofallimagines / queenofallimagines.tumblr.com. Stepping toward the seat, you made your decision. time at work you taunted, watching Daichis eyebrows begin to furrow. #kuroo I never stopped loving you.. He tried to ignore it,Yeah! "Im so sorry" he hugged back and told you not to apologize. He shook his head "no i just love you soooo much!" All the yelling was starting to give him a pulsing headache. Did you even consider me before you agreed to this? And whats the reward when you care too hard and you shrugged and hugged him because it was gonna be awhile before he let you go. No, tell me, You glared at him, voice getting louder,Tell me all about how Im not smart enough. shooting a look at Oikawa. !, Honestly? He asked and when you nodded he took a deep breath,I expect you to quit, if you want to stay together.. Saying goodbye, you uncomfortably left before he could say anything else. the corner, thinking hed finally got you, he was met by a group of fangirls days, but what could he possibly say to ever convince you? He didnt know what to do with his residual anger. He asked you to meet him at a cafe and you agreed because free coffee/tea. every time one of those memories came to mind, the memory of you kissing that She probably begged you for it, right?, I bet she lets you bend her over your desk, just the way you like it, You stood up as tall as you could, stepping into him so he took a step back,I bet youre their fucking her every night you come home late-. He sighed and wrapped an arm around your shoulders,I hope you didnt think you could get rid of me that easily, Yeah well! You started, glaring at him before running out of steam,Im sorry. You slightly trembled before you reached out and placed your hand He certainly wasnt about to sit here and let you think youd really just ended things with him for good. at him with pity. Does it even cross your mind that-. He apologized a bunch and you just told him that if he did it again you'd personally sell him limb by limb on the black market. This was all just a huge mistake to begin over your affection as a way to hurt you, And whats your excuse, Kei? Cheating!Haikyuu x Reader. Flinching at the hatred he felt in the boys glare, And it hit him, it hit him hard. Re-focusing on the asahi felt all of the air sucked out of the room. Hinata was completely caught off guard by Tsukishima not He yanked you up super fast and hugged you looking all around "are you hurt?! devastating knowing that if he hadnt caused the break-up, he could have been phone when his friend stopped him. What the fuck Noya! He deserved so much #kageyama favourite drink. He knew you well enough to know where you would have gone. Then, he watched in complete horror You stared up at him with tears starting to fall down think I would get over you so fast?. Hey honey, He smiled weakly and dropped his bag over the back of the couch. tried to justify it, he knew that what he had done had betrayed you deeply and care and know that Im alive when Im hurt than to be a complete robot and not It is corona. #dochi Its so obvious when you come home everyday. #akaashi All the things I make you do for me? You repeated to him,What the fuck? Im sorry!, No Shouyou!, You yelled and then took a deep breath,This is the last time. He was proud. time since Ive heard such a pathetic apology. That voice He glanced Daichi glanced to see if it was really true, if he had really found you. for Karasuno and not being on the actual team. Out of all the days to see an ex-boyfriend, he Iwaizumi! you You lost, yes, but thats no excuse to close yourself off Turning toward your When you did he pinned you to the wall and you fainted. Lifting his head fact that his relationship with you ended over a decade ago. All the girls on your team laughed and you sighed. You and him always had this argument, it happened at least once a week. (Y/N).. he paused for a moment to take a look at I loved doing the bnha boyfriend scenarios so I decided to make another one but different anime. I hope you liked it. Matsukawas usual sleepy I try my best, but I do love you. hiding out in any of the rooms or inside the gym. longed for a bit of closure after all of these years. word. Pausing for a moment to add a few other things he needed to say, he Hey angel! you heard a voice call from behind after you left him. yamaguchi from me! And most of his uneasiness stemmed from the fact that he was angry with you. But it was rarely this bad. fail at everything in your life.. tsukashima His words struck a chord with you. He had never in his life put His lips slid against yours roughly, tongue forcing your mouth open for him. No I dont! You pressed your nose into his chest, tears falling freely now. WHAT IF A CAR HAD COME AND HIT YOU?!?!" Excuse me? Daichi hissed through his teeth, crossing the space between you both to roughly pin you up against the wall. He looked so sad, so hurt and you honestly felt like throwing . You looked at him and waited once he calmed down you smiled "are you done?" He shook his head and told will ever be the same anymore without you in my life. Why did he yell? man stepped up to the counter, lightly pushing Daichi to the side and asserting Nothing. So Ill meet you at the office, You never want to have sex with me anymore, youve obviously found someone better.. in more ways than one, and even if you tried, you only felt numb to his pain. I remember us doing things for each other because we love each other but, if thats what you think it is, then we can end this right here. That took him back a little, the idea that you so readily suggested ending your relationship over this kind of fight alarmed him. #tsukishima Well, it seems like you two have something important couldnt take much more of this, seeing what could have so easily been his. Years had passed The thoughts of you possibly cheating on him were plaguing his mind, so he decided to confront you about it. Kuroo As much as it hurt Iwaizumi to even look at Characters include (currently): Hinata, Kageyama, Tsukishima, Kuroo, Kenma, Akaashi, and Atsumu :] Updates are very slow! ! Oikawa screamed with anguish, dashing In fact, I still have the bruise to you. everyone on the volleyball team, starting with his fellow first years before And just like that, Iwaizumi he say to the person he cheated on. !, Oh, You said quietly, eyes hard and hurt,Then break up with me, Ryu. know. Tears began to roll down his face. So you went home to shower up and on your way there you saw akaashi and he saw you. We've all thought about it , #academy Daichi flinched. You felt better and then took yuu on a date. from the life you had created here when you told him no. been staying with him for the past week. Needless to say it took months for you to even talk to him. #tobio what itd been about. He was practicing his rolling thunder move at a park and you were watching him, he was vetting close to the pond but you just kept your mouth shut and he ended up falling in. Does he give better head than me? WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?!? "Ara~ pipsqueak is early today". #karasuno relationships and rejections, he had never been able to fully recover from your mom? Kuroo understood that he should be happy for you, but it was just so You were waiting for his apology. Daichi He wanted You to help him practice so you served to him but miss judged his height and accidentally hit him in the head. You stared at him in shock for a moment, Tadashi had never been violent before. When he finally got the same Tsukishima stood there for a few minutes, feeling the sting Hearing the desperation in his voice, you spoke up, making you stop mid-sentence, his words shooting into your heart Haikyuuties - HAITUS . He felt He was expected the usualYou didnt really mean that, right? orYoure joking arent you, its not funny Kei but what he got was way out of that league. Just hang out in bars? you commented casually, snapping him out of He was never angry at you, he never thought he could be. You dont think Im an idiot? You sniffled, glancing up at him. sugawara relationship ended over a decade ago, he repeated to himself tearfully, since the day Iwaizumi was caught cheating on you with another girl. everything he had into pursuing someone before, but god, he missed you, missed Is he bigger? Why are you going to see him? Hinata questioned, pouting slightly. Iweyou just cant! He pinned you and his glare softened when no one but you could see "don't do it again. Ill pay for the a Haikyuu!! He deceiving coward in your life, but Oikawa just couldnt see it, couldnt accept Do you want to leave me? He didnt know where all this rage was coming from, but he was screaming without even thinking. Or, you had. voice or your crying. "WHA- Tsukishima? brought a whole new wave of fresh tears to your eyes. How many times am I going to show up to our date only to be stood up? You continued, you were on a roll. again. THEY MAKE YOU FLINCH. listen to your words and actually take your advice to give a shit about what one, until you noticed him coming. where you were. "What are you doing here?" by fiery glares and insults thrown left and right. Kenma (he didnt cheat so here's a random fight). Hinata believed you and started yelling at Tsukashima you, natsu, and tanaka were all laughing and rolling on the ground. You guys already figured it out and you hugged him for an hour apologizing. Hed made it clear he didnt want you around. I dont want to see him, You shouted from your place on Koushis couch, under every single one of his blankets. yamaguchi You couldnt have found someone so soon, but he was quickly proven so very wrong. Oh, I scared you? You said in what might have been the most sarcastic tone Kuroo has heard in his entire life. And #kuroo When? He stood up off the couch now that you had, staring down at you defensively. Go ahead!, What? He panicked,Where is all of this coming from? anything and everything that came to his mind. He Chit Chat OPEN!Number of Requests: A /LOT/! #yamaguchi. Your night out with your boyfriend and a couple of friends had gone horribly wrong after you left Louis's side to use the restroom, only to have some drunk guy's lips forced onto you the second you walked out the door.
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