Im sorry! Also, many fathers are abusive to their childrenso we should be careful when we compare Yahwehs compassion to that of an earthly father. That is, He takes single one of us this morning. 2 Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits: 3 It certainly seems that it had appeared to this psalmist. love". Because of those associations, it is more often translated bless than praise. Thats exactly what David is doing in Psalm 103. When the "Accuser" points his finger at word ", C. Does this mean that we are sinless? Tools can empower a man to do things he might not otherwise try to tackle. There is no advancement that we will make where God is not already there. Gone forever, as we will see in a moment. long as I am in this body! Why? present tense verb. Holy (qodes) means sacred or set apart for sacred purposes. Salvation Army, Song: In the Sweet By and By as Family Enters ; and Briggs, Charles A., The Brown-Driver-Briggs Hebrew and English Lexicon (Peabody, Massachusetts: Hendrickson Publishers, 1906, 2004), Doniach, N.S. must take our medicine, Psalm 107:17-21! How Righteousness is life lived in accord with ethical principles life lived in accord with Gods law and Gods will. Having trouble logging into your account? Church Of God. Ephesians 2 tells us that the Lord is rich in mercy, because of His great love for us. 7 times David cries to God, Teach me thy statutes! This is a good cry for us to give from our hearts. satisfaction from the Lord will display a youthful spirituality that Scriptures: Psalm 103 Introduction In just a few short days we will celebrate Thanksgiving Day. He can look directly into the sun and he can soar above the storms. 7:25, "able to save to the UTTERMOST". Copyright 2003-2023 | Outreach, Inc., All rights reserved. who heals all your diseases; 4 who redeems your life from destruction; B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 2014), Kidner, Derek, Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries: Psalms 73-150, Vol. Is God fair? But this does mean that all the diseases that you used to have, they were healed by the Lord. 6 The LORD performs righteous deeds And judgments for all who are oppressed. In this verse, righteousness and justice are both plural nouns. The word aliylah (deeds) means deeds or actions. The number of times the three-lettered word "all" is used in this text reminds us that God's love is all consuming. Here are a few of the wonderful benefits of His Name! He can look directly into the sun and he can soar above the storms. D. How could the soul ever forget the tender touch of the Great We could meditate on these verses for hours and hours and not even come close to plumbing the depths of them, much less the depths of our great God. So the psalmist begins this psalm by calling himself to bless (barak) Yahweh from the depths of the psalmists beingand to bless (barak) Yahwehs holy name. The Heart of God The marriage of ways (derek) and deeds (aliylah) in this verse shows the powerful ways that Yahweh reveals himself to his people. Preached April 21, 2010 at a Mission in Downtown Birmingham, AL by Jake Hanson. I. If you want to get to the depths of what it means to love and be loved, look to the cross of Christ, because there God's love came to mankind. C.S. II. But the psalmist lists as one of the blessings received from Yahweh that he renews our youth like the eagles. Lord found, what He did for us and where He is taking us? He was a healer in Bible days and He is one today. C. Notice that He doesn't just give "mercies", He gives "tender Why would a holy, just and righteous God allow us mercy and relent from dealing with us according to our sin? operates in the superlative, Ex. And were all in it for the same reasonto fuel the churchs mission of making disciples. Just reading it should lead us to worship. this imformation. 1:18-19. I am for the presence of the indwelling Spirit See 1Corinthians 3:16.Spirit takes up permanent residence in the believer at the moment of salvation. Psalm 103:15-19, Denomination: David was in love with God and it showed in his life; in his devotion and in his success. the sacrifice of Jesus at Calvary, Heb. human race. The saint of God who has been through the valley and has been restored (Nashville: Abingdon Press, 2006-2009), VanGemeren, Willem A. Space no longer seems as impossibly high as it did when the psalmist wrote this psalm. and our burdens, but a very short memory when it comes to recalling just One day a year we are reminded to be thankful. The Lord, He is good like no other, loving like no other, gracious like no other, merciful like no other, full of justice like no other, and has all authority and sovereignty like no other. (Grand Rapids: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1979-1988), Brown, Francis; Driver, S.R. A funeral service for an ex serviceman who was a recovering alcoholic and a Salvation Army soldier. He is intimately familiar with our strengths and weaknesses, and knows our potential for good and evil. ultimate destiny in Hell that awaited every single member of the changing, the benefits of the Lord never change! The man who enjoys The furthest that humans have ventured to go from earth is the moon. want! 33:25. What is the Ascension and Why Does It Matter? They carry great burdens over long distance through harsh terrain. The word sahat (destruction) means a pit or trap, and one of those words would be a better translation here. They As one childrens book says, its the Never Stopping, Never Giving Up, Unbreaking, Always and Forever Love of God.. 44:6). He remembers that we are dust. WebPsalm 103, Bless the Lord O My Soul Listen in MP3 Psalm 104, Bless the Lord of Creation Listen in MP3 Psalm 105, Make Known His Deeds Listen in MP3 Psalm 106, Visit Me With Salvation Listen in MP3 Psalm 107, O That Men Would Give Thanks to the Lord Listen in MP3 Psalm 108, My Heart is STeadfast Listen in MP3 God in three Persons, blessd Trinity! How could my soul forget that? You are valuable to him. It describes love that is faithful, loyal, merciful and eternal. \\#Psalm 103:9-12\\ This is the God that deals with sin. Here it linked with the word sem (name), so it means holy nameYahwehs holy name. word "iniquities". memory will cause the saints to wander! The word pit was sometimes used to mean Sheol, the place of the dead (Job 33:24; Ezekiel 28:8). redemption for them. I love you! a. problems as people come and go. We often think of it as being righteous, or moral or without sin. 9 He will not always accuse; David wants his soul to mundane and trivial events of life? 12 As far as the east is from the west, So far has He removed our transgressions from us. This Psalm, Psalm 103 can help us to tune our hearts to sing Gods grace as we should. Readers through the centuries have interpreted A Psalm by David to mean A Psalm written by David, but a number of scholars question that interpretation today. Your Bible study. (:6) Plea For Outlines in Psalms Psalm 103:1-2 reads, Bless the LORD, O my soul: and all that is within me, bless his holy name. My God is a God of love.". nor repaid us for our iniquities. Free shipping on books, Bibles, gifts, VBS, and church supplies of $50 or more. SCRIPTURE QUOTATIONS are from the World English Bible (WEB), a public domain (no copyright) modern English translation of the Holy Bible. Importance of Giving Thanks to the Lord the diseases of the soul? Yahweh redeemed Israel from Egyptian slavery (Exodus 6:6). health, their homes and their finances. remembers, the problems of life fade into insignificance again and originality are made for this material. Without justice, there can be no righteousness. He saw our enslavement and He saw the thank God for His tender touch as I pass through this harsh and That might have constituted a death sentence if travelers had not intervened to rescue Joseph from the pit and take him to Egypt as a slave (Genesis 37). No claims of absolute Just last month we celebrated Mother's Day and today its fitting we acknowledge the contributions all the men here make to the lives of 13:8! He have been crowned with his love and given a new citizenship on this earth and in heaven. 2 Bless the LORD, O my soul, and He misunderstood you. Two common phrases come to mind that might provide a clue. First, he calls upon his soul to Praise the Lord! Now, those who were slaves to sin and headed for an eternity in Hell 3:22. When the psalmist says that he will barak (praise) Yahweh, the word barak suggests that he will kneel in homage to Yahweh as a demonstration of reverence and an expression of praise. Well, Happy Father's Day to all the men who are here today! in the heights above and find him a place in the rocks. By the way, The pit is the pit of death. We are like the little boy who got separated from his mother in the mall. You see, the world around Today, as the Lord gives liberty, I want to point out, A. 17 But the lovingkindness of the LORD is from everlasting to everlasting on those who fear Him, And His righteousness to children's children, 18 To those who keep His covenant And remember His precepts to do them.. To ensure you receive the best experience on, we use cookies to process information about your visit. must take our medicine, D. How could the soul ever forget the tender touch of the Great If you / And what has He done? Thank God He saw the plight of lost souls and provided Over and over again gratitude is commanded because God is worthy and because the writers understand that He responds to grateful people. Adapted from Five Kernels Of Corn, by Bruce Howell on read more, Scripture: John Calvin described faith as the mouth of the soul, open wide to receive all of Gods benefits in Christ. renewed once again. Who redeems your life from destruction, read more, Denomination: After an eagle has been through the molting process, God becomes more glorious than ever! Colossians 3:17 (KJV) And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him. [Psalm 103 has the superscript Of David which many readers think means that David wrote it, as readers have thought for centuries, but its possible that it means it was dedicated to David, or was written in Davidic style.] He Removes the Affliction of His Chastening Hand. After a time, the eagle will step out on the rocks. But that is only a part of it. The first is flared nostrils, which can be a sign of intense angerthe kind of anger that could lead to violence. 52-week preaching calendar to help you plan your sermons, Customizable sermon manuscripts for verse-by-verse preaching, Preach with creativity and impact throughout the year, [NEW YEAR] 4-Week Series to kick off 2023, [PRODUCTIVITY] Fulfill your full potential, [FOUNDATIONS] Getting back to what matters most, A Great Dad (Note: I find it interesting that the root word for "benefits" is also the root can remember all kinds of things, especially what others have done to us or Pt. Sometimes, when eagles are in their time of molting, other eagles PRAISE THE LORD, O MY SOUL the eagle enters this period of his life, he will descend from soaring If you are interested in further study, look at Craig C. Broyles, New International Biblical Commentary: Psalms, pages 26-31 and A.A. Anderson, The New Century Bible Commentary: Psalms (1-72), pages 43-45. Introduction We go through our own "molting process" from I have never been beyond the tender touch of my Father! It brings When this happens Real thanksgiving is offered unto the Lord. He wants to give you good gifts and provide you with "all his benefits" (Psalm 103:2, NIV). We exist to praise and glorify the that God is worthy of all the praise we can render to Him and David wants His holy name." At this point, a Vietnamese nurse arrived to help. This word means "bent or crookedness". process because they cannot feed themselves or escape predators. 1:20, "let the waters bring for ABUNDANTLY". He is eyes began to dry, not because his surroundings were changed, but because of whose arms he was in. / That we can praise football teams that will inevitably lose, and coaches who will one day dieif they havent been dead for 25 yearswith such vigor and foolishness, but still struggle to praise the Living God who is from everlasting to everlasting, this shows that our hearts are desperately out of tune. For people living in the Middle East, the camel's forgetting is far more than just failing to remember something, this word Psalm 103 pictures a God who fills our empty bowls to overflowing if we but have faith. Introduction This word, pit, brings to mind Joseph, who was thrown into a pit by his jealous brothers, who would have killed him if Reuben had not intervene with the suggestion that they throw Joseph into a pit. absolutely vulnerable and defenseless. His life as many of you will not always been one of a man of faith, but as a man of faith was how he had lived his life for the last 16 years, prior to that time .. had We go through our own "molting process" from read more. C. "Who redeemeth thy life from destruction." Because life can be difficult and not everything is always as planned it is necessary to remind ourselves of the benefits that we have due to 2 Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits: 3 Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases; 4 Who redeemeth thy life from destruction; who crowneth thee with lovingkindness and tender mercies; 5 Who satisfieth thy mouth with good things; so that thy youth is renewed like the eagle's. This great love that is as great as the distance between the heavens and the earth is why Paul can write that neitherdeath, nor life, norangels, nor principalities, northings present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing, will be able to separate us fromthe love of God, which isin Christ Jesus our Lord. And this great love should be the subject of our praise. Soul Forgets. today. Thank God there is grace for the journey, 2 Cor. of his kingdom to a beloved son, the people of God are crowned with GLORIOUSLY". The heavens/skies above the mountains were replete with mystery. Yahweh is patient. In fact, we enjoy when we praise the things that we admire. who crowns you with loving kindness and tender mercies; 5 who satisfies you with good things, The tradition of gathering together Our heroes will die. mighty eagle. Later, they will learn what it means to hear and see less wellto be more subject to illnessto find the better jobs closed to them because of their age. This verse echoes verse 1, but adds two pieces: All you works of his and In all places of his dominion. Those are two ways of saying: Everyone and everywhere. forever be left behind and I will stand perfected in His presence in The Psalmist says that like a king passing down the power and glory Have you allowed others and their actions to turn your go through it many times! read more. 43:25; C.S. He Remits (Forgives) All the Guilt of Our Iniquities. us is in a constant state of change! name."? our focus to be man-centered instead of God-centered? Waltner (p. 498) characterizes verses 11-14 as a for-as, as-for chiasmuswith each of the four verses beginning with a k sound. John 1:12 (KJV) But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name: Romans 10:13 (KJV) For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. lovingkindness and tender mercies? by the Rock can look full into His face to see His glory and can soar Good morning! BELIEVING and not BELIEVING As (Hebrew: ki) far as the east is from the west, WebWe need to remember all the things God has healed us from. Introduction But, I would remind you this morning that 1) This is a common feeling, but is it true? The Israelites also used nepes to mean breath, the animating force that gives the creature life. Now, all our said. process" in an eagle's life. The psalmist is not saying that Yahweh has established righteousness and justice for a particular situation, but rather that he broadcasts righteousness and justice widelyalmost recklessly. Every soul that enters this world is a slave to sin. Revelation tells us what this Psalm does, that every created thing which is in heaven and on the earth and under the earth and on the sea, and all things in them, [will be heard saying], "To Him whosits on the throne, and to theLamb,be blessing and honor and glory and dominion forever and ever.. Christian/Church Of Christ, The Kingdom of God is A Reality. as they need to be, you can get the help and restoration your need right Aren't we guilty Its as if our enjoyment of something is somehow incomplete unless we have praised it, and unless we share it with others. The cross is God's way of saying, "I love you this much," with his arms outstretched. Even the church is not immune from what they have with those who are hurting! but this verse is not referring to physical healing! Divine love hates what is wrong and embraces what is right. Psalm 103:1-12. His goodness towards me, I just have to say, ", A. Rick has earned a Doctor of Ministry in Preaching from Northern Baptist Theological Seminary and a Master of Theology in preaching from Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Each day, the divine Physician visits He made known his ways (Hebrew: derek) to Moses, 9 He will not always strive with us, Nor will He keep His anger forever. To save items to a SermonFolder, please sign in to your account. Praise Yahweh, my soul! Of course not! To keep from complaining, feeling depressed or having anger towards God, David reminds himself of the benefits that God has lavished upon him such as forgiveness, redemption, renewal, compassion and unending love. Those who do not abide in Him will have a difficult time continuing 22 Bless the LORD, all you works of His, In all places of His dominion; Bless the LORD, O my soul!, Many times, when we see angels in the Bible, they are worshipping. In Hebrew thought, forgiveness of sins and healing of diseases were closely related. This past week, there was a suicide bomber at an Ariana Grande concert in England - 22 people were killed and many more injured. Among them are lust, hate, greed, jealousy, discouragement, depression, anger, The prophet Joel pictures that clearly, saying that Yahweh pleads: Turn to me with all your heart. so far has he removed our transgressions from us (v. 12). 1. Of course, to effect this healing, we Sometimes the soul forgets just how good God has been and continues Psalm 103: 1-5 Featuring Jen Wilkin, Jennifer Rothschild, Kristi McLelland, and more! brings to mind the tender touch of a mother. His patients and through His grace He tenderly and effectively heals is also in the present tense. during this time a wonderful thing begins to happen, to those who WebIII. The noun sedaqah (righteous acts) is a relationship worda covenantal wordthat requires faithfulness to those with whom is in a relationship. WebPsalm 103 Counting Our Blessings David wants us too:- I. Eulogize the Attributes of God 1. renewed once again. This reminder should not be needed since we are commanded to be thankful. the eagle experiences. His goodness towards me, I just have to say, "Bless the Lord, O There, we can recover what we have lost and have our strength a lot of cows, but I churn my own butter."
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