With a rich new boyfriend in the wings, Danielle shoots Raymond ten times in May 2014 and stuffs his body into a toolbox. To keep her husband from finding out and to benefit from his life insurance, Joyce shoots Big Joe to death in October 2008. She gets a 15-40 year sentence. She serves three years for manslaughter, but later returns to jail for selling drugs, while her now-adult son is himself incarcerated for murder. Geraldine Smith is involved with a married man, Louia[clarification needed] McDonald, but he will not leave his wife Valerie, even after Geraldine gives birth to his child. In November 2016, Rick uses Sonia to shoot Debbie in the face at point-blank range in her house while she sleeps. Both girls are sentenced to life in prison without parole, with Larketa getting an additional four to twenty years for arson and conspiracy. In Saugerties, New York, Gweneviere "Wendy" Gardner and her sister, Kathy, are being raised by their loving but strict maternal grandmother, Betty, after child services removes them from their drug-addicted parents. She is sentenced to death, Jimmy to life in prison without parole. In Greenville, Mississippi, Terrie Robinson is having difficulty coping with the stresses of being a single mother on welfare. In Vancouver, British Columbia, in 1992, Jean Ann James is devastated when she learns that her husband is having an affair with her best friend, Gladys Wakabayashi. Laura is acquitted of murder by reason of insanity, but is lonely and ostracized for the rest of her life. This statement allowed her to walk free and live in eternal stardom until the day she died, and her story inspired the character of Velma Kelly from the musical Chicago. Rosie is sentenced to death. Both are sentenced to death, but Danny commits suicide soon afterward and Janice's sentence is commuted to life in prison in 1989. They were arrested, and since they were too young to face the death penalty, they each served five years and were released separately. Bathsheba requests a stay of execution at least until her baby is born, but it is denied, and she is hanged, while still pregnant, on July 2, 1778, becoming the first woman executed in the United States since the Declaration of Independence. She starts stalking him and his wife Wendy, even building a shrine for him, but after learning for certain that Rick is no longer willing to tolerate her stalking, Cheryl snaps and kills Rick by shooting him, even keeping the bullet casing as a final souvenir. In Jerome, Pennsylvania, nursing home assistants Erin Nicole Everett and Tory Minnick begin a relationship, despite Erin's conservative Christian upbringing. After her lies are exposed, she assaults Will again, which earns her a battery charge against her. The crime was unsolved for years until an unexpected confession appeared as if out of nowhere. When Michelle goes to Maryland for her mother's funeral in 2009 and doesn't return, Joe takes up with a new woman, Sunday Bennett. In Burbank, California, Amber Merrie Bray is an intelligent, ambitious, eighteen-year-old high school senior who falls for an older, high school dropout named Jeff Ayers. In the late 19th century London, Mary Wheeler is a young woman who enjoys using men for money and sex (one in particular was Frank Hogg). After 22 years in prison, she is granted a compassionate release in 2020 due to her suffering from health issues. Kirsten Stephens is an Independence, Missouri, woman who is married to her retired coworker, Charlie, but has a severe compulsive gambling problem that forces Charlie to come out of retirement after she loses nearly a million dollars over the course of their marriage. Amanda is sentenced to life without parole, while Sean is sentenced to 60 years. When Molly Martel's boyfriend becomes physically abusive, her best friend, Stephanie Campbell, is there to support her, but when Stephanie herself becomes a victim of domestic violence, Molly fails to return the favor, and instead sides with Stephanie's abuser, ending the friendship for good. Roxie Hart of the musical Chicago is based on Beulah. The status quo, the hemostat, wasn't good for the fish or the fly. She ultimately kills four children and is suspected of killing her husband's first wife as well, and is given a life sentence without parole. She was put to death by hanging. Theresa Riggi's lack of trust in others leads her to isolate her children from society and have complete control over them. On October 13, 2011, when Greg announces his plans to build a house, Michele becomes desperate to hide her spending habits from him, ultimately shooting Greg. Far from being grateful, Christina, on March 3, 2003, enlists her twenty-year-old nephew, Simon Tannahill, to beat George to death with a blunt object so she can collect on his life insurance and repay her debts. When her son Giuseppe is drafted to fight during WWII, a distraught Leonarda draws a strange conclusion that in order to protect her son, she has to commit a human sacrifice. She was found guilty of second degree murder, and got a twenty-year sentence. She is sentenced to life for 125 years. Beth Carpenter A lifetime over-achiever and fresh out of law school, Carpenter was determined to take custody of her niece in East Lyme, Connecticut, but the judge granted custody to her sister Kim and Kim's partner Buzz. However, she is not so fond of having to fight for his love due to her eight new stepchildren and finds pleasure in poisoning them with lye to get her way. Despite Trichele's contempt for Brian, she doesn't want to lose him, and on July 1, 2013, when Brian decides to divorce her, she responds by shooting him to death. She never faces justice, cowardly committing suicide in August 2003 by drowning herself and her infant son, Zachary, in the Atlantic Ocean. Gunness's motive was to collect life insurance, cash and other valuables from her victims. Unrepentant, she pleads guilty, gets twenty-five years to life for first-degree murder, and, forsaken by her family for all of her lies, dies alone in prison in 2010. However, she falls for a teenage boy named Billy Flynn and starts an affair, which results in a rape scandal at school. In Bellevue, Idaho, Sarah Marie Johnson lives an idyllic life with her doting parents, Alan and Diane. Daryl tries to share himself with both women, but after Morgan assaults Andrea with an axe, Daryl breaks up with Morgan for good. Ellen Etheridge is ecstatic when she gets to marry her new millionaire husband after his wife dies. Simon is sentenced to life, but has been eligible for parole since 2016, while Christina is sentenced to fourteen years to life and is released in 2019. After learning her first husband had an illegitimate child, Raynella Dossett Leath began to control every aspect of her new husband's life in Knoxville, Tennessee, including his death when she was overcome by greed. Sandra and Beth Andersen The Brampton sisters drugged their mother and drowned her in the bathtub in for her money. This is the story of Holly Harvey & Sandra Ketchum. The two started skipping school, hanging out in the woods together, smoking pot and cuddling. In February 1889, Jack dumps Ada for Claude and later goes to the saloon, shooting him in front of many witnesses. Meanwhile, Shonda gets the death penalty, but in 2014, it is commuted to life without parole. In October 2003, Teresa kidnaps Justyn, resulting in a violent standoff at the local police station in which she shoots Justyn eleven times, killing him, and is herself killed by police shortly afterwards. Thirty-four years later, Jackie is finally arrested, and in 2016, she is found guilty and sentenced to thirty years in prison. Demetra is beaten and raped, and stabbed 97 times by Janice. But after two decades of living in the United States, their marriage deteriorates, due to Rita's spending, and Yakov seeks to divorce Rita. Twenty-year-old Texan Nicole Yesconis is a spoiled brat who hates her father and stepmother, Robert and Aletha, yet expects them to continue supporting her financially. She is given a minimum 16-year sentence. Harvey & Ketchum. She is serving 26 years to life in prison for her crimes.[10]. She is able to find love in Karl Bloxham, who tries to help her sober up, but her drinking problem comes back after months of sobriety. In Beaverton, Oregon, Korena Elaine Roberts fakes a pregnancy with twins to keep her boyfriend, and befriends Heather Snively, who is pregnant for real. Showing great remorse over Jamis's murder (as he had always been kind to her), but none for Steve's, she is convicted of aggravated murder and is sentenced to life without parole. When Wendy begins dating bad boy James Evans and becomes rebellious and sexually active, Betty decides to give her up to the custody of the state. Between 1927 and 1954, Nannie Doss poisoned to death 4 of her husbands, 2 of her kids, her mother, one of her mothers-in-law and 2 of her grandsons. Diane Borchardt is a well-liked teachers' aide at school, but at home, she is physically and verbally abusive to her husband, Ruben, and his children. Barbara Graham Pistol-whipped a lonely widow to death in Oakland, California, turning what was supposed to be a robbery into a murder. Amy Bishop was a professor and neurobiologist PhD in Chemistry at the University of Alabama in Huntsville, but has a narcissistic personality and a history of violent outbursts, including shooting her 18-year-old brother, Seth, to death in 1986. When Katrina Bridges gets pregnant, she and her boyfriend Chris Ingraham move to Jonesboro, Maine, to make a fresh start. Megan Haines is sentenced to 27 to 36 years in prison. Everyone knew them as the hardworking couple that regularly went to church. She pleads guilty to first-degree murder and receives life without parole. Kelly Silk is a Christian and a mother of four children, including a two-month-old baby. Carol Croydon survived an abusive childhood and grew up to marry wealthy upholsterer Philip Croydon, who showers her with gifts, but the marriage is loveless and both engage in extramarital affairs. There, Eva bludgeoned him with a mallet and Martha ran over him with a car. Gates serves only four years in prison for her second husband's murder. Under Canadian Juvenile Law, the real names of "J.R.", "Sandra", and "Beth" cannot be mentioned within the episode, as all three were juveniles at the time of the murders. In June 2015, after a few years into the relationship, Karl wants out, but a raged-filled Ellishia stabs him fatally in the cardiac area. The bodies of two of her previous husbands are exhumed, revealing high levels of phosphorus. Drug dealer and adulteress Christene Kemmerlin is married for the third time, and her union with husband Wayne is in trouble due to her spendthrift ways and infidelity. Daryl Smith's former lover and BDSM sex slave, Morgan Smith, who has borderline personality disorder, is obsessed with Daryl, and follows him when he moves to Florida to be with his new girlfriend, Andrea Stranko. While 73-year-old Sarah was a homemaker, 74-year-old David worked most of his life for Delta airlines and later switched to painting houses. After her husband's body is discovered, Silver is hanged in the gallows on July 12, 1833. Ellen Boehm was a single mother of three with financial problems. After getting punched in the face by an intoxicated Jasper, Allison shoots him with a .22-caliber revolver to punish him, but later regrets her action. She was sentenced to death, but her sentence is later commuted to life without parole. Teased at school because of her weight, Nakisha Waddell of Troy, Virginia, befriends fellow pariah Annie Belcher, who introduces her to drink and drugs, and Nakisha's close relationship with her single mother, Vaughne, disintegrates. In June 1998, seeking revenge against her children's fathers, Sandi sets a fire in her home and lets her four daughters die of smoke inhalation, then tries to blame her surviving son for the crime. When Alan begins to suspect her, Miriam shoots him in the head, and receives a life sentence for the murder, plus 108 years for fraud and conspiracy to commit murder. She is soon exposed for her murder of Moses thanks to a friend in whom Moses confided, convicted for it, and is sentenced to hang in 1851. Puente is sentenced to life in prison and maintained that she was innocent until her death on March 27, 2011. Linda Ricchio dates her coworker Ron Ruse, but their relationship is strained due to her possessive nature. On November 30, 2002, Jeffrey dies of sepsis, and after his grandparents are brought to justice, Ontario law regarding background checks of caregivers is revised. Nelson was sentenced to life in prison, and died in 2017. Nicole is serving a minimum twenty-year sentence in a male prison. In June 1917, David's wife Mary confronts Grace and orders her to stay away, but Grace shoots Mary, then attempts to commit suicide by shooting herself twice in the chest, which backfires. Mary receives a life sentence for second-degree murder, and Roxalana, as the mastermind, is hanged in 1889. Dan receives life without parole for first-degree murder, Scott receives ten years for second-degree murder, David receives life without parole for conspiracy to commit murder, and Doris, as the mastermind, is sentenced to death for conspiracy to commit first-degree murder and first-degree burglary, but it is later reduced to life in prison without parole. She was executed by hanging. In June 2002, Jane snaps and violently kills Brent and stages the murder as robbery and gets away with it for a decade, but is eventually caught and is sentenced to 25 years to life. One day after track practice, Toni and Kody kidnap Mickey and bring her to the desert, where they beat her to death. On appeal, Sharon is resentenced to forty to sixty years. However, on August 9, 1849, when the agreement isn't enough for her, Maria and Frederick shoot and bludgeon Patrick for all of his stock and bonds. Kate Bender The Wild West murderer was prepared to help her family of serial killers, killing lodgers and robbing them. The two begin an affair, but Arthur is eventually forced to choose between Anne and his wife. The two went on to marry other people and the secret was hidden for a decade. The patients start complaining, so to keep them quiet, Megan poisons Marie and Isabella with insulin in May 2014, though the third patient luckily escapes and reveals Megan's abuse, eventually getting her exposed for her crimes. Using a role-playing game she created, she manipulates her friends -- Michael Pfohl, Katherine "Katie" Inglis, and Kyle Hulbert -- into killing her father, Robert, a renowned biologist, for her inheritance, though she lies to her friends that he is abusing her and planning to kill her. When it starts to run out, however, she decides William is worth more dead then alive, and on September 19, 1989, she torturously kills William. The embezzled money has never been recovered. Shonda Dee Walter Seeking initiation into the notorious street gang, the Bloods, Shonda Dee Walter butchered a Pearl Harbor survivor with an ax without mercy in Lock Haven, Pennsylvania. It is nature that doles out its own form of justice, however, when Beulah dies a few years later. Wendi Mae Davidson - killed her husband by injecting him with drugs that were normally used to euthanize animals. After her husband abandons her, Ada Hulmes is in dire straits for her daughter who she leaves in a convent. In March 2022, a new trial was ordered,[3] ending with the charges against Dorotik being dropped.[4]. She is also suspected of killing Elaine Hayton, Arthwell's wife. Jennifer Reali Was with a man who used seduction and Bible passages to convince her to murder his wife, painting the murder as an act of mercy because his wife had lupus. In New York in 1866, Irish woman Bridget Durgan was starting a new life as a maid, but her jobs did not last long. She later becomes known as the Merry Widow of Windy Nook, and her death sentence is overturned, commuted to life in prison without parole instead. She was unable to tell her side of the story to a jury and was sentenced to hang, spending her last days being mentally and verbally tortured by the cruel sheriff who had her in his custody. In 1996, at Veterans Affairs Medical Center in Northampton, Massachusetts, nurse Kristen Gilbert injected poison into 6 of her patients, causing the death of 4 of them. Tommy is sentenced to forty years, Dawn to thirty-five years, and Sandra to life in prison without parole. Sara Moore becomes a live-in caretaker for elderly multiple sclerosis victim Richard Englander, but is more interested in his money than in his welfare and drains his bank accounts to support her crack cocaine habit. Additionally, when her cafe starts to fail, she decides that Curtis, who has a generous life insurance policy, is worth more dead than alive, and enlists Jacob and his girlfriend, Jessica Dayton, to help kill him by beating him to death. Deadly Women is an American true-life crime documentary-style television series that first aired in 2005 on the Discovery Channel, focusing on female killers.
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