These places are full of one-hundred-year-olds who have reached such like live wires, not in bed or in hospital. Each region has its own diet, types of exercise, and community structure, but each has specific elements in common - all starting with a sense of purpose. This provides the nutrition they need to work hard during the day. The Nicoya Peninsula has several on offer, including near Tamarindo, outside the Cabo Blanco Reserve near Playa Mal Pais, and above the Montezuma waterfall. Beyond this context, however, the health authorities are taking measures to help Costa Ricans reach over 80 years of age in good health. The peak nesting time is from August to November and in the days before a new moon, thousands of turtles congregate in the Pacific waiting for the perfect time to come ashore and dig a hole to lay their eggs. So why is it that the people of Nicoya outlive so many others? Some of the roads in Nicoyas interior and south arent paved, so the deeper you go into the peninsula the more you may prefer to fly (for example, its a 20-minute flight from San Jos to the tiny Tambor airport in the south). It is the reason why the founder of Omega Institute set up Blue Spirit in Nosara and a Longevity center. We have obtained information from Nicoya, Costa Rica on ways to live longer and be happier. We know we should include exercise into all parts of our lives (not just an hour at the gym). Or, get your zen on at La Senda, the wellness center on a 74-acre forested property near Tamarindo. In the southern part of the peninsula, Santa Teresa is a popular surf area that sprawls for miles along the coast. Due to the Nicoya Peninsula's location in Central America, the area has an abundance of warm days with tons of sunlight. There are plenty of good-for-you activities to keep you busy on the Nicoya Peninsula jump in the water with a surfboard or snorkel, get up high on a zipline, stretch out with a yoga class, or take a hike (call it forest bathing if you wish) in a nature reserve. Specifically, the rural landscapes of the Nicoya Peninsula, where people have some of the longest lifespans in the world. Costa Rica is home to one of the five original blue zones regions, the Nicoya peninsula, with a high number of centenarians in excellent health. It was a spontaneous decision to move here, but it was the best decision! This is why the Costa Rican Tourism Board (ICT, Instituto Costarricense de Turismo) launched the Wellness Pura Vida country strategy, which seeks to position Costa Rica as a wellness destination with a difference, which offers unique, transforming experiences. "Looking beyond Costa Ricas Blue Zone in Nicoya, elements that make our population stand out and that describe our focus on well-being can be found in every corner of our territory. The gateway to the Nicoya Peninsula is the beach town of Tamarindo on the west coast, which is very popular with international travelers. What we can incorporate about Nicoya into our culture is the sense of purpose Nicoyans enjoy. Blessed with sandy beaches and tropical forest, it's something of a backpackers' paradise. There are two trails for visitors and a pristine white sand beach. However, Costa Rica's blue zone is so much more. This has paid off, with Costa Rica frequently scoring high in world happiness and environmental rankings. Here are some of the factors that make Costa Rica's Nicoya Peninsula a blue zone worth visiting. The expat community in Coco is generally older retirees, however, there are some younger expats running around. These cantons are: Carillo, Hojancha, Nicoya, Santa Cruz, and Nandoyure. Lane reported isolation, alienation, and high rates of depression in Chicagos poorest neighborhoods as some of the reasons behind the high rates of COVID cases. Everywhere you go in Costa Rica, youll hear pura vida! and soon feel the freedom to adopt the pura vida lifestyle yourself. He then went on release a book The Blue Zones: Lessons for Living Longer from the People Who Have Lived the Longest in 2008. The proper mindset about longevity is not about aspiring to live to a very old age, but to enjoy the best quality of life possible during the last ten years we live, says Alvaro Cedeno-Molinari, a former Costa Rican diplomat and ambassador who works intensely promoting bioliteracy, regeneration, and well-being as holistic healthy mindsets. If you want to get underground, Barra Honda National Park has a system of 42 caves and you can explore Terciopelo Cave on a tour. Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica: Researchers found that the probability of becoming a centenarian for a 60-year-old man residing in Nicoya is 4.8%, which was even more than double that of Okinawa, the second highest in the comparison, and it was almost seven times that of Sardinia and Japan (6). The occasion was also used to release the most recent study on longevity by the Institute of Social Studies in Population (Instituto de Estudios Sociales en Poblacin, IDESPO) at the National University of Costa Rica. It includes the five cantons of the Nicoya Peninsula: Hojancha, Nandayure, Carrillo, Santa Cruz and Nicoya. Who knows, maybe it will change your life! I suggest visiting Cabuya (a small town between Montezuma and Santa Teresa) or San Francisco de Coyote (a remote beach town). They have groups of friend with whom they share healthy habits.". Blue zones are regions where some of the oldest and healthiest people live. Enjoying good health conditions shouldn't depend on economic or technological factors, but rather on protective factors that are evident and proven in the region. In the Nicoya Peninsula, the water is particularly rich in calcium and magnesium which studies show is good for cardiovascular health and preventing cancer. Nantipa means blue in the language of the Chorotega people, some of the first known people to live in the Nicoya region. I had visited the famous Costa Rica "must-see" spots - Arenal, Manuel Antonio, the cloud forest, the Osa Peninsula - some of them a few times. Its also easy to eat healthy in Costa Rica, with its abundance of local foods grown in its fertile volcanic soil. Getting up in the air on tree canopy tours via ziplines and rope bridges is popular throughout Costa Rica. While we may not increase the average life expectancy throughout the world we can use Nicoya as a template for healthier living. The town of Nosara, located in the Nicoya Peninsula of Costa Rica, is a surfing and wellness hot spot located in one of the five "blue zones" in the world. The world has a number of Blue Zones, areas where the locals live healthier and longer lives. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Join 19k+ in receiving Expert travel advice, news & promotions! Youre sure to be on the path to a long and healthy life after the four-handed Abundance Treatment, which combines Reiki, Shiatsu, Swedish massage, sound and aromatherapy, and acupressure. uma atrativa pergunta explica que os habitantes de Guanacaste e sim dvida contar com uma das cinco que existem no mundo um orgulho para todos os habitantes da provincia. Join 19k+ subscribers in receiving FREE travel advice, news & promotions! Nearby are waterfalls at Montezuma, ziplining near the Cabo Blanco Reserve, and kite surfing. Try our meal idea that reflects elements of the Nicoyan Peninsula Blue Zoners' diet. All of our step by step Costa Rica planning tips in one spot. This Central American nation isnt that far from the U.S. geographically, but it is way ahead of us in longevity. We are always happy to help you out! However you may visit Cookie Settings to provide a controlled consent. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. Demographers have identified the area, located on Costa Rica's northern Pacific coast, as a Blue Zone or "longevity hot spot," typified by a higher-than-normal number of people living past the age of one hundred. In the south between the Paquera ferry and the village of Tambor, youll have an excellent chance of seeing wildlife within the privately-owned Cur Wildlife Reserve. Also, calcium is important for bones. Customer Experience Critical To Consumer Preference: IAAPA CEO Comments On Key Trends, When It Comes To Advertising, Multicultural Representation Is Not Enough. Nicoya, Costa Rica A Latin American Blue Zone. This has paid off, with Costa Rica frequently scoring high in world happiness and environmental rankings. Certain common characteristics were also established in order to determine whether additional Blue Zones could be added in the near future. A three-course farm-to-table dinner with a tour of the organic garden is available Mondays and Thursdays. That is when brands, businesses and cities will be able to look at Blue Zones like the one in Nicoya and find a model to follow. It's a question that inhabitants of Guanacaste are happy to be asking themselves, since it's a true pride for the province's population to be home to one of the five such zones that exist worldwide. According to researchers, most inhabitants live to at least the age of 90. My fourth investigation into exactly what our Blue Zone folks eat has left this dietitian, well, intrigued. Though Chicago is not one of those cities that uses the template outlined in the Blue Zones Project, the city could adapt to the Blue Zones principals. Gone are the days of making your own food and growing organic produce. It's a question that inhabitants of Guanacaste are happy to be asking themselves, since it's a true pride for the province's population to be home to one of the five such zones that exist worldwide. For those who might need some meal ideas, Dan Buettner, wrote the Blue Zones Kitchen cookbook. Nicoya is located far off in Northeastern Costa Rica. It includes the five cantons of the Nicoya Peninsula: Hojancha, Nandayure, Carrillo, Santa Cruz and Nicoya. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. The chance to do yoga in an open-air pavilion on the beach is not to be missed! After living there for four years I have my own theories as to what makes people so happy, and in turn have a longer life span. According to researchers, most inhabitants live to at least the age of 90.. Located on the Guanacaste Peninsula in northwestern Costa Rica, Nicoya is a rural, beachside, blue-zone community. In one of Buettner's most recent visits to Costa Rica, he defined Blue Zones as "a kind of lifestyle and environment that creates longevity. Nicoya, Costa Rica. Guevara lives in the Nicoya peninsula of Costa Rica. Nicoya was introduced as a Blue Zone in a 2004 National Geographic article by Dan Buettner. They begin each meal with a prayer. O que so Zonas Azuis? Not long after, he began to lead trips to the first Blue Zones that he had discovered. It was time for me to conquer the Nicoya Peninsula. While the Blue Zones project Lane discusses isnt a cure for COVID-19, the principals lived by the people in those zones could increase the chance of livelihood for people of other cultures. The term Blue Zone was first used in a 2005 National Geographic cover story entitled The Secret of Long Life written by a man named Dan Buettner. Try spending quality times with your loved ones. Eating fewer calories appears to be one of the surest ways to add years to your life. Its about 75 miles long and 35 miles wide, with the northern section a part of Guanacaste province and the southern section in Puntarenas province. Nicoya. For those who want to explore the peninsula at their own pace, renting a car might be best (you can use your home countrys drivers license for a maximum of three months). I have been exploring the data reported by National Geographic and Dan Buettner in the Blue Zones Solution: . "This meeting commits us to preserve this Blue Zone, but most importantly, it should have a multiplier effect and serve as an example for the other cantons of the country" said Ana Monge, Commissioner of the Presidential Social Council of the Government of Costa Rica. He worked with several notable anthropolgists, dieticians, historians, and geneticists to identify and further understand what contributes to a long lifespan. Do you ever wish you could know the secrets to a long and happy life? Buettner's studies on the Nicoya Peninsula revealed eight key factors that affect people's life expectancy. The centenarians of the Nicoya Peninsula have also captured the interest of the Institute of Social Studies in Population (Instituto de Estudios Sociales en Poblacin, IDESPO) of the National University (Universidad Nacional) of Costa Rica, which is carrying out a study on the subject this year. By encouraging Nicoyans belief community and sense of purpose through work, family, or nature, cities could help their poorest thrive. First . Almost 40 percent of the residents of the Nicoya Peninsula (about 5,000 of the population of 132,000) are over the age of 75, more than 900 are over the age of 90, and many are over 100. American researcher, Dan Buettner, discovered that people in these areas shared several lifestyle characteristics: They don't smoke; They eat a plant-based diet The Peninsula is covered by spectacular beaches that host nature's best. They are joined by 42 other centenarians in the Nicoya Peninsula, located in the 5 blue cantons: Nicoya, Santa Cruz, Hojancha, Nandayure and Carrillo (according to data from Jorge Vindas, a field researcher for the Nicoya Peninsula Blue Zone Association). Nicoyan centenarians frequently visit with neighbors, and they tend to live with families and children or grandchildren who provide support, as well as a sense of purpose. The most amazing part about people who live in Nicoya, Costa Rica is that many of them live without medication or disability. The Nicoyan way of life can enlighten people to make choices that will help to increase their life expectancy. The five known Blue Zones identified in Buettner's book include:. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. You may opt-out by. In other words, people in these zones to live longer than any other areas in the world. Warm, Sunny Climate. Its difficult to maintain family bonds and friendships when school and work take us far from home, into strange communities. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. This calcium leads to stronger bones and the ability to stay physically active at a later age. You can design your own holistic retreat too, choosing from a Kirtan sound bath, detox program, cacao ceremony, blue clay treatment, drum circles, and more. 11 talking about this. Residents of this 80-mile peninsula found south of the Nicaraguan border have the world's lowest middle-age mortality rates, and the second highest number of male centenarians in the world. Even the cancer rates on the Nicoya Peninsula are lower than those elsewhere in the world! Lunch is the main meal in Costa Rica (its better for your digestion to eat a bigger breakfast and lunch and a lighter dinner). These geographical areas are considered special, because most people live at least 90 and often over 100 years of age. The Nicoya Peninsula has five cantons where middle-age morality is lowest and centenarians are the most abundant. If you want to really embrace the Nicoya Peninsula blue zone vibe, head to any small village in the area. If you would like to be near things but get a bit more of a feel for traditional Nicoya life while also enjoying a bit of the touristy perks (surfing, fun restaurants etc.) O segreto da Zona Azul de Nicoya. The term 'Blue Zone' was coined by Dan Buettner, a New York Times bestselling author, who was studying areas to some of the oldest people in the world. Check out all of our favorite travel companies. There are five areas of the world that meet the qualifications of Blue Zone as defined by Buettner. Read more below about the lessons that Nicoya, Costa Rica can teach you about longevity. Staples of the traditional Nicoya diet include homemade corn tortillas, black beans, white rice, a variety of squash, yams, papaya, bananas, and pejibayes. The template laid out in the Blue Zones Project: natural foods, daily movement, community, and sense of purpose, can help anyone develop stronger immune systems, so they can live healthier and longer lives. Now, visiting Nicoya doesnt mean youll automatically live to 100, but a trip there is likely to put you on the path to pure life thanks to its natural environment and abundance of healthy activities. It is not unusual for many generations to live on one property or in very close proximity to each other. These factors are present, to some degree, in the other four Blue Zones in the world, according to world experts who participated in the World Meeting in Nicoya in mid-November. Is the Nicoya Peninsula good for a Wellness getaway? Costa Rica holds one of the original 5 blue zones of the world and you will find yourself in one of them if you decide on living in the Nicoya Peninsula. Lane cites the impact of COVID-19 on minorities like Blacks and Hispanics throughout Chicago. Possessing the highest density of biodiversity of any country in the world, it is also labeled as one of the 5 "blue zones", a term coined by National Geographic author Dan Buettner, describing places where a high percentage of the population lives active . - save 10% Plus other perks . What they generally don't know, however, is that a part of Costa Rica tourists rarely visit (the rural Nicoya Peninsula towns of Nicoya, Santa Cruz and environs) contains the largest. Blue Zones, those special places on earth where people live longer and healthier lives, first came to prominence in the ground-breaking book by Dan Buettner, Blue Zones. Costa Rica is one of the few tropical countries where its safe to drink tap water even for foreigners and theres no need to buy plastic water bottles. Despite that, the area has many of the same ideals that the rest of Costa Ricans have. Directions: Toss the cabbage with the orange juice, season with salt and pepper and let sit 30 minutes. For Priscila Chaves, a Costa Rican social tech-entrepreneur and ethics thought leader, the question that still stands is, how can we translate these apparent otherworldly effects, to the rest of us? Those who want to enjoy the pura vida life for more than a week or two often end up here, given Santa Teresas gorgeous beaches, busy nightlife, and excellent wifi. Why Nicoya is Considered One of the Anti-Aging Zones in the World Few really know what aging is and how it can be controlled, here experts from Costa Rica and around the world talk about it and define the Nicoya Peninsula as one of those with the most long-lived people. Full of natural beauty, endless sunlight, white beaches and radiant ocean, Nicoya reigns as one of the most popular destinations in Costa Rica. While walking gives Nicoyans a chance to exercise and get fresh air, it also gives them time to enjoy the natural beauty for which Nicoya is known. You can drive to Tamarindo in about 80 minutes from the Liberia airport (its about four hours from Costa Ricas other main airport in the capital, San Jos). Reporter Dan Buettner closed by saying "it is a great honor to see the results of the idea of researching the issue of longevity that emerged fifteen years ago is coming to fruition in the meeting of the major scientific researchers on the subject of Blue Zones." The forest here is more tropical than further north and is home to deer, pacas, monkeys, armadillos, laughing gulls, pelicans, frigates, and brown boobies. Buettner had spent several years before penning the article leading expeditions including tracing Darwins route in the Galapagos and Marco Polos trip along the Silk Road. Successful centenarians have a strong sense of purpose. Buettner approached National Geograhic with his idea and they agreed to help fund his research. San Jose, Costa Rica 10104. People who have diabetes, heart conditions, or are overweight tend to have a more difficult time if they are infected by COVID-19.
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