avengers fanfiction peter bullied by teacher

Harley is an arrogant, rude and selfish douche-bag. I feel so much better now., Definitely Worth It[jennylarner]Peter doesn't want to go on a field trip to Stark Tower. This is how Peter Parker and the females of the MCU react to Spider-Man: Homecoming. The school does not tolerate such appalling behaviour of its students and demands the presence of his guardian to take action. Peter said between them, fiddling with the bottom of his shirt awkwardly. Two years after Germany, Tony Stark is fine. was a success. Completed 3 months ago l l . Leave constructive criticism and any ideas for future Fanfics in the comments! Avengers: Infinite Wars by free man writer is a crossover between Star Wars and the Marvel Cinematic Universe, which starts in a slightly AU-MCU post Ant-Man where Pietro survived the Battle of Sokovia and Scott and Hope became official Avengers.. 77 Peter almost tripped on his untied shoelaces as he ran into the kitchen, having awoken slightly late that morning. SERIES: Airplane-(ticklish!reader, ticklish!Peter) You are on Tony's private jet with Peter Parker for a mission, he finds a little secret of yours and decides to exploit it with the Avengers.. Phim l phn th t ca lot phim Avengers, sau Bit i siu anh hng (2012), Avengers: ch Ultron (2015). A normal person would have stumbled under the sheer force, but Peter just glared and grumbled as he walked towards the car. So then why does Peters stomach erupt in butterflies every time the other teen is around him? That name slammed against his mental defenses accompanied by the sound of a 'chime' as he gasped and woke up. Surely this man was not alone. Tony said, stepping away from Peter, who started giggling. Chaos ensues. No one could ever guess that The Avengers would fall to something known as The Peter Factor. The ingenuity of F.E.A.S.T. Peter doesn't want to go on a field trip to Stark Tower. What about him? Ah, so we find ourselves once again watching Peter Parker be a victim to bullying. Warning: This is a bit depressing. "I'm just coming back in an hour. At least he hadnt thrown up his food.Could be worse. MJ said across from him. my version of the field trip trope! Tonys blood was just about boiling, Peter only spaces off because what you teach is probably boring and he could do it in his sleep. I have like loads of PhDs so I can guarantee Im smarter than you. MY BOSS & HER ASSISTANT | NATASHA X READER X As far as inappropriate relationships go you've played it fairly safe most of your life, well that' Harley Keener comes to visit the tower for a month or more. Peter's whole world came crashing down around him in a matter of seconds. Hestia's Olympic Torch is missing and she asks Percy and Annabeth to help find it. When the apocalypse breaks out, the Avengers are forced to run. "At least I have a family, what have you got Penis, a dumpster behind McDonald's? Hello, Im Natasha Romanoff, dont listen to anyone here except myself and maybe Rogers, thats him, she paused momentarily to point at Steve, I have a very specific skill set and by that I mean Im a trained assassin. Glancing down at his watch, he stifled a yawn, then did a double take. The Avengers were awfully protective, and that's why he never told them he was being bullied. The teen didn't know why he'd been called to the office. The school had mostly emptied by now, so they could walk more leisurely through the hallways. His class doesn't believe him, his teacher doesn't believe him. Flash bullies Peter in front of his over protective family, a teen is almost murdered multiple times but it doesn't happen. tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words, Its finally the day The Avengers meet Peters teachers. This amazing human is turning this story into an audiobook!! With the excuse that other kids would get jealous and ask questions, Tony had promised to leave him alone all day until the end when he was required to do a Q&A with the kids. Please consider turning it on! please enjoy, After the super hero registration act of 1998 the world was left without its greatest heroes, but after he is bitten by a genetically modified spider Peter Parker is thrust into a whole new world. What is Avengers Fanfiction Peter Touch Starved. Lord knows how protective Tony Stark and Pepper Potts were of Peter. The Rogue Avengers meet Peter Parker and are completely surprised to learn that Tony has a son. She noticed the Avengers standing behind him, And Company. The Avengers walked to the first classroom of the day, chemistry. Yet when he gets a chance to finally, finally fit in, it's not like he'll turn it down. Peter's banned from the field trip by the school. It's good. You are sat there reading the materials over and over again. // Rated teen and up audiences for swearing & character deaths // No reposting to other sites //. No one knows every secret of the universe. There is a Talent Show at Midtown coming up, Peter and Ned decide to sing Found/ Tonight. Peter is excited to spend the weekend at Mr.Stark's place. Fifteen years after his son's death, the world is shocked by the appearance of a new, unknown hero. Peter successfully goes on a field trip, accidentally catches the school bleachers, survives a bus explosion, and reveals his identity as Spider-Man. My engineering skills have helped the government. on avengers fanfiction peter bullied by teacher, houses for rent in butler school district, tartinade de saumon et fromage philadelphia. And who the hell is Harley Keener's boyfriend? The fact that he was being bullied and that no one aside from his school knew about it was bad. Peter was startled back to the present by the tone of his teacher, he looks down blushing as everyone turns to stare at him. Underrated Fics. Peter ends up excluded from a surprise class field trip. They would want to know. But, well, he will figure it out. About what? Peter squinted at him, subtly leaning backward, away from the man. Peter sighed from where he stood beside Ned. Tony and Peter spent the night in the lab working and watching TV until Pepper told FRIDAY to kill the connection. "You- you must be Mr and Mrs Hayter?" "Watch where you're going Penis." Tony and Peter spent the night in the lab working and watching TV until Pepper told FRIDAY to kill the connection. Bucky had his long black hair curled and wore pink lipstick. Peter had lived with his Aunt May and went to the compound after school most days. She paused her show before turning to Peter, a smile mirroring his own. Today was parent teacher interview day, meaning that everyone's parents of Peter's year would be organising interviews with the teachers in order to find out how their children were going at school. Fitting In (Tiny Spaces) by aloneintherain Word count: Summary: Peter's trapped beneath a collapsed building during a mission, hurt . A kid who was bullied. Not sure how to rate this, no clue how ratings work in other countries, people swear in this fic, but there is no smut, so if swearing is a trigger for you then please watch out while reading this/don't read this if it's really bad, stay safe out there! I really do work there, and I dont care what you would or wouldnt do if you were even remotely like me, he yelled right back.". or the one where everyone thinks Peter is Tony's son. He was SI's little genius. An inspirational, peaceful, listening experience. "one day," wade says, "we'll live like kings." You're going to be late!" Peter was sure scaling the building would be better than facing Tony Stark angry. When Wade Wilson is forced to leave his beloved Canada with his mother to avoid his father's wrath, he goes to a new school and makes fast friends with a young boy, Peter Stark who he later discovers is a prince in a place called Asgard, so proclaims himself Peter's bodyguard and the knight of rainbows. Especially when someone was in danger. alternatively titled: cotton candy clouds. tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, the avengers are Peters parents and extended family, Peter is a Young Boy and has lots ahead of him. However, before he can ask, he was interrupted. up and running to help people as much as possible. They finally came to a stop at the lockers, near a gaggle of cheerleaders, sending the pair dirty looks when they came near before turning, flipping their hair and stalking away. Im not here to harm you, Peter, the man smiled softly, I just think we need to talk.. Of course she would be; she wasn't going or being embarrassed like Peter was. All the Avengers were not to afraid. if someone wants to beta feel free to tell me!!!! Peter Parker has a secret identity and he desperately wants to keep it that way. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. So why are the Avengers on his case? Peter got a job and yknow what comes with that. But no yeah we do have war to fight so if you could speed this up, thatd be so lovely. [spider "To show you I'm serious, I'd do it a thousand more times only for you to admit it.". Peter yanked his hoodie strings to try and hide his face. ", Ned was more rational, however, "Dude, I'm sure that once the teachers and other students and parents get past the fact that the Avengers are at the school for you, it'll be more normal. There will be a pair for every class, and when your turn is over, you sit in the car and wait. FIC CURRENTLY BEING RE-WORKED, UPDATED CHAPTERS+NEW ONES SOON<3. Peter is alone, everyone who he grows to care for dies. Sickfic. Gentle Hands [p.p.] Lets just say the Avengers are surprised and so is MJ. Peter, however, doesn't answer and texts Tony back: Peter returned to the Avengers tower from school to see all of the Avengers minus Rhodey and Thor waiting for Peter. two-year-old Morgan Stark was listening to her mom read her a bedtime story only moments before Pepper turned to ash. "I don't think I can, sorry," I said. He felt dead, empty, and tired. Read at caution. And everything sort of goes downhill from there. He was SI's little genius. Flash roughly grabbed Peter's arm, beginning to drag him towards the door. Peter Parker has powers and is Spider-Man but has never met Tony Stark or any Avengers he was on a field trip to Albany when the donut ship came to try to get the Time Stone from Strange so he wasn't there to try to help it to accidentally wind up on the ship. T'Challa (Marvel)/Original Female Character(s), author likes to use these two charcaters the most don't judge, He Doesn't Notice He's Developing An Eating Disorder, Avengers Oneshot ( Irondad and spiderson / field trip ), Peter Parker & James "Rhodey" Rhodes & Tony Stark, i used the noncon warning as a tw - there is no actual rape scene. Peter Stark is content in his life. They know about what happened in the trilogy so they managed to convince Adrian to stop what he's doing and turn himself in. I sit in the background and make sassy comments when a situation deserves it. Clint says while filing his nails with a knife. As per popular demand, here it is. He said, causing the others to start laughing too. Hey Penis! Flash yelled. Usually, May said no to sleepovers with Tony on weekdays, but Peter and Tony had both came to the front door of Peter's apartment and begged. This is a story about a yandere version of Wanda Maximoff and a bullied Peter Parker. Tony reluctantly introduces Peter to them but doesn't tell them he's Spider-man. And it did. "It's too early to go to school." Adaptational Jerkass: In Homecoming and Far From Home, Mr. Harrison is at his best an ineffectual dork, at worst an Apathetic Teacher.Here not only does he make it clear he does not believe Peter when he says that he works at Stark Industries, but he has him sent to the principal office when he refuses to "admit" to forging Tony's signature, having his field trip and school activity privileges . Plot - what plot? * * * * * Peter followed the group of students around the Tower. Oh god, Peter thought when he saw them. That goes against everything you stand for! Tony shouted. Someone who gets it, someone who can help him deal with the physical and emotional strain of being different, and being hated for it. avengers fanfiction avengers react to peter. When some kids decide it's a good idea to torment Peter, she discovers her feelings for the Stark are deeper than what she thought. You know life is like a never-ending circle. Field Trip to Stark Industries and Avengers Compound. One by one, they stood up and filed out of the room; each one touching Peter in some way. And no living being in this world knows about it. He gets immediately jealous of Peter be A story of which being Tony Stark's daughter and having powers is the definition of Chaos. He has a wife, a child, a garden, and a certain spider-themed sidekick to look out for. The Avengers also had a schedule for when they would pick Peter up from school. Bullied Peter Parker Peter's having issues at school, and they're getting to the point where it begins to impact his behavior, anxiety and self-consciousness. The cancer doctor. He lifted his head and looked over at Ned who was already talking excitedly do you think I'll get to meet- nope this was definitely real. "Text me where you stop for lunch and I'll bring you a sandwich or something.". ", That was when M.J. decided to sit down at the table. as well as It was not unlike a rain cloud ruining a picnic. Wanda didn't . Could it be an - initially - random kid and a revenge plot the way to it? Cool sweater! Ned exclaimed as he took in Peters appearance. Shit. Really, he was fin. While the team investigate a lead on a new Hydra base, they trigger an unknown Hydra experiment that displaces all nine Avengers- Captain America . However, Flash pulled Pete by his arm and pulled him back into a dark corner of the school. I don't own any of the characters unless I make one up, which will be evident as you probs won't recognise them. The Avengers walked to the first classroom of the day, chemistry. Work Search: Peter watched the floor counter climb higher and higher until it was on the forty fifth floor. Once Peter was safe and inside, Tony pulled out of the parking lot and returned to the Tower. Peter's having issues at school, and they're getting to the point where it begins to impact his behavior, anxiety and self-consciousness. Harry is against his father. Liz bullied Peter but felt bad for it and her father Adrian is disappointed in her. Tony took the suit and everyone he cares about is lying to him. i know you're not taking requests but u said if i had one u'd maybe do it! So loud, so scared. Bewildered, Mrs. Mason nodded frantically, and the Avengers looked pleased with themselves. Posted at 01:41h . "Yes boss, I already allerted the other Avengers." And Peter wants Tony. Spider Man stumbles into the tower with a serious wound looking for Tony, only to find himself face to face with Captain America and the Black Widow, who arent supposed to be there. Mr Stark was probably too busy to notice when he got a message. Instead, she listens the pitiful sobs that are coming from the lower locker, where students are supposed to keep their gym clothes. messed around with spideys powers. 12257 97 Avenue, Surrey, V3V 2C8. Everyone looked expectantly at the teacher, waiting for her review of Peter as a student. When Peter's left with no one, The Baron takes him in and uses him for his scientific experiments. This tag has not been marked common and can't be filtered on (yet). Today marks the third time Peter's finished his workout to find his schoolbag dumped out on the floor of the showers with the water running. Just a compilation of various scenarios in which Peter's class/Flash discover Peter knows or is related to Tony Stark. Featured Quizzes & Stories. Ned was rambling about a new lego set he had gotten, which Peter thought was awesome, but he couldn't tell Ned so since Ned probably wouldn't hear him over the loud chattering of the hundreds of teens rushing through the crowded hallways. By Posted jordan schnitzer house In strengths and weaknesses of a volleyball player Today was parent teacher interview day, meaning that everyone's parents of Peter's year would be organising interviews with the teachers in order to find out how their children were going at school. "You were the one to walk into him!" You are sat there reading the materials over and over again. Ned and M.J. watched Peter as he glared at the two of them. "Text me when you get back to the Tower. He asks cheeks burning as his classmates titter around him. 655 guests Peter and his Aunt May gets F.E.A.S.T. "Bye!". (rewrite), Ben Parker & May Parker (Spider-Man) & Peter Parker, Mary Parker & Peter Parker & Richard Parker, Peter Parker is Tony Stark's Biological Child, May Parker (Spider-Man) & Tony Stark Coparenting Peter Parker. Please heed the trigger warnings and proceed with caution. (cross-posted on wattpad). Peter's spidersenses went of big time, but he ignored them- allowing himself to be pushed roughly to the ground, books and papers spilling everywhere. ***Basically an Irondad Carrie AU for Homecoming. Canon Divergence - Avengers: Infinity War Part 1 (Movie), Ashes Scene in Avengers: Infinity War Part 1, i tried to laugh about it (hiding the tears in my eyes), Peter Parker is Pepper Potts's Biological Child, so apparently peter parker actually works at si, Academic Decathlon Team (Spider-Man: Homecoming) & Peter Parker, no beta and i dont proof my writing sorry not sorry. It shouldn't be too hard to keep his identity secret, right? The avengers are ignoring Peter, and he has no idea why. About tonights events. Collections: 38 Comments: 1762 Kudos: 9935 Bookmarks: 2330 Hits: 340603 A Bullying Case Yet another stupid, boring, mundane board meeting. He looked towards Peter and Flash then, corralling all three of them into the classroom. "It's time for school." Unlike usual, Peter snuggled further under his covers. Tony's patient, up till Happy get's involved, and then for once, a bad guy's terrible plan actually helps someone. Compared to Tony's lab, the SI labs were lacking. In a bathroom stall. It was a stormy day at Hogwarts and you had just escaped another one of the Weasley twins' newest pranks, very nearly . Also lots of Peter and Harley trying to figure out how to co-exist in their new big family. Though you have telepathy and could get the answers by reading the smartest kid's brain in the class or one better your teachers'. If he makes it through the entire day without being suspended, it'll be a miracle. But soon enough, the friendship starts to bloom into something else. Summary: When Peter's Chemistry Teacher announces that the class would be going to Stark Industries for a field trip, he thought he was screwed. All alone, Peter must find a way to save the avengers, and the world. Being an Iron Man means nothing to Tony Stark. Peter's history teacher was beyond surprised. Tony had Mondays, Steve had Tuesdays, Clint Wednesdays, Thor and Bruce had Thursdays, and Wanda had Fridays (since Fridays were the days Natasha often had missions she had to go do). Please consider turning it on! Steve explained. Peter said, standing up from his seat. So maybe Peter hasn't told the Avengers that he's Spider-Man yet. EDIT: DISCONTINUED Please read the twelve chapter. Peter kept quiet while Ned shook his head as he looked away. Peter didn't wantto be beat up, but if he didn't, he knew Flash would do it on someone else, someone who couldn't deal with it, someone who couldn't fight back. Peter! She exclaimed happily. She said kindly, shuffling her papers and straightening her glasses. Don't roll your eyes at me! It has a great start, true to the feel of Riordan himself. Mr. Johnson looked at all three of them with another expression on his face before he directed Ned towards the door with the hand that was still on the teens shoulder. He's got a dad, friends, aunts and uncles. A house with no one but his aunt, who took care of him with nothing but love. Dude, even Thor is going to be there. Are you supposed to be in here?. Certainly from someone like Peter, who wasn't very important. Rhodey even said that if he has nothing he'll be there!" I DON'T DO STARKER, OR READER so won't be accepting these ones . Just another site Answer (1 of 5): Well, uh, let's say Peter gets bullied after FFH, Tony is still alive, and the identity of Spider-Man is no longer a secret. I know I saw you dressed and ready to leave this morning at breakfast.. Not Captain America: Civil War (Movie) Compliant, May Parker (Spider-Man) & Tony Stark Coparenting Peter Parker, Irondad doesn't go overboard and it's perfect. It was the 10th of August 2001. The step-parents and step-siblings AU no one asked for! Lets move along.. "Your boyfriend sticking up for you Penis? Could be worse. MJ said across from him. Ned asked, brown eyes wide with hope. "Why not? They were already too far from the Tower to turn around and grab something and the restaurants they passed were all too far off the freeway. Was it some kind of joke? May called from the kitchen. #irondadandspiderson Request: hi!! Waiting. Just some field trip ideas where Peter gets exposed or his family of Avengers embarrass him, etc. Written in Peter wasn't sure if he was lucky or not to have spent the night at the Tower. Genius, Billionaire, Playboy, Philanthropist Dad? That got him up. I hope you enjoyed your stay here at the Gay Show. It dinged and the doors opened, allowing them all to pack inside. Every incident that happens is always a secret. The Avengers also had a schedule for when they would pick Peter up from school. one day, wade says, well live like kings., (tony is over protective, natasha is awesome and clint, well, clint likes to throw chinese food at people). . The Ailments of Peter Parker Chapter 6: Bully, an avengers fanfic | FanFiction I've decided that this story will ignore Infinity War altogether, and pretend that all the Avengers and Guardians are on Earth and everything's fine. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. but how surprised he was when he met the new vigilante, Spider-man. How will his family react? Ned's eyes filled with sadness as he looked at Peter, who looked rather defeated. All Peter Parker wants is to be able to go to school and not hear any snarky remarks from classmates or teachers but of course that doesn't happen and he spirals into a deep, dark hole and pushes away the ones he loves most who are oblivious to his actions. you chirp, sliding in across from them. When the group got home, everybody was latched to Peter. "Holy sh!t I was trying so hard not to be my father I became my mother. Plus, youre leaving out some of the Avengers, you just named some of the original ones. (Ed #avengers "Let's go then," Steve sighed, leading the way to the elevator. hes not on earth rn//, Peter sighed with relief, "Oh thank the shitty lord Odin, Thor can't make tonight. Oneshots con temtica spooky (esa es la intencin al menos) con Quentin Beck/Peter Parker como protagonistas (pero ms parejas probablemente sean incorporadas, lean las etiquetas para eso). (This is a mess guys, I'm sorry)*DISCLAIMER!!!!! Peter was their baby boss, their CEO-in-training. I also fought in World War II. Im Mrs. Mason and Mr. Parker here-, WAIT, Tony yelled, effectively silencing Mrs. Mason. The film is a sequel to The Avengers, Avengers: Age of Ultron, and Avengers: Infinity War and a crossover/sequel to Ant-Man and the Wasp and Captain Marvel. Did he really look in the mirror at purple bruises and slowly healing broken ribs? Read Bullies from the story Family by GraceBeard (Alpha_12) with 17,065 reads. I just need, PETER PARKER! Tony yelled down the hall leading to his bedroom, Why did I get a call that you skipped school? Bucky?, Hello. "So are you up to coming over this weekend? They grow closer and closer with age, but feelings grow into something else, especially with the junior dance. Youre going to need to become a better liar if you come work for us, the agent smirked. Flash called from across the room, "Is this too lame for you?". When the former Avengers finally apologize and return to the tower, Tony insist Peter wait before he meets them. not necessarily in that order, much to the confusion of his entire decathlon team. You being the one tasked to show Steve, Bucky, and Thor the ways of the internet. Always knowing that you have a family with the Avengers <3; marvel marvel fanfic marvel imagine avengers avengers fanfic avengers imagine reader insert reader imagine being the youngest avenger peter parker spiderman Shuri . After that, they had gone to bed and woken up to bacon and eggs sitting on the kitchen counter beside a note from Pepper reminding Tony to get Peter to school on time. When the former Avengers finally apologize and return to the tower, Tony insist Peter wait before he meets them. I hope you enjoy it. Peter is a wonderful boy with many talents, Im glad that you see that as well. Clint said, hugging Peter close to him with one arm. Thank me later., Hello maam. A lot of the floors he hadn't actually been on before, so he allowed himself to look around and enjoy the tour. The bell began to ring and for once in this curse it day Pete was happy. I did not see this coming." "Maybe I can get my mum to make cookies for the day! He said, lifting his fists. What happens when he finds out where the field trip actually is? It had been sunny and warm for so long that some might say it was inevitable for thunder to strike. Tony had Mondays, Steve had Tuesdays, Clint Wednesdays, Thor and Bruce had Thursdays, and Wanda had Fridays (since Fridays were the days Natasha often had missions she had to go do). I fought in World War II. 29.5K 769 1.1K. Guess you'll have to read if want to see what shenanigans ensue! by Potterharry01. The Avengers were his second family. another field trip fic with too many and not enough details. Language: English Words: 130,459 Chapters: 56/? This tag belongs to the Additional Tags Category. You humans are odd-. Things take a turn for the worse and get much darker when Flash learns about Peter's coping mechanism and realizes just how much power he has over Peter. You being the one tasked to show Steve, Bucky, and Thor the ways of the internet. "I don't want to go to school." He mumbled. Natasha and Clint came out next, Clint with the fake moustache and floppy hat, and Natasha just wearing her normal clothes. They would want to know. Please consider turning it on! They could have expelled you instead., Peter gaped at her. Even Peter calling you kid. avengers fanfiction peter bullied by teacher. This definitely warranted a meeting with the boss. You know that we love you no matter what any of your asshole teachers say, right? Bruce asks affectionately. Kids at school bullied her, her father, Tony Stark, was disappointed in her, and the Avengers looked the other way. Tony, Natasha, Clint, Bruce, and Bucky were already in the car waiting for Steve and him. Dude! Peter patted his pocket where his Stark phone (a birthday gift from Tony) and permission slip were. Peter led the way into the room, and his chemistry teacher looked at him with dissatisfaction, before her gaze snapped to the entourage of freakishly buff adults behind him. Did he really not turn up at school with bandaids on his nose, which he blamed on patrol? Peter had been acting weird around him lately, but he wasn't sure why. Peter greeted with a grin, sitting on his aunt's bed as she watched on the TV. What if Peter survived the snap thats it thats the story, Tony, Captain America says, finally breaking the somewhat awkward silence, who is this?Im Peter.Yeah, thats Peter.And Peter is?None of your business, Frisbee-Boy, Peter says, calmly sipping his drink as if he didnt just call Captain America Frisbee-Boy.II kinda feel like it is, though, the Captain says, at the same time as Tony guffaws out a loud, Frisbee-Boy!Yeah, Im not really taking your feelings into account here, Cap, Peter says, taking another long sip from his coffee. Peter led the way into the room, and his chemistry teacher looked at him with dissatisfaction, before her gaze snapped to the entourage of freakishly buff adults behind him. On his feet was a pair of red stilettos. Work Search: 16 year old Tony Stark just wanted to smoke his cigarette in peace, hidden inside one of his school's restrooms. Bucky seemed to be stifling giggles, leaning back in his chair. Peter's Spanish teacher was not a nice woman, but luckily Natasha intimidated her in Spanish so she stopped being so rude pretty quickly. The day finally ended, and the group made their way out to the front of the school. Hello! "I've got the Stark Internship after school." avengers fanfiction peter intern meets team cap. Maybe the storm would tell us the story of Peter Benjamin Parker. Shit. Hey guys, I finally got around to finishing the fic I started back in July. Tony walked over and licked his thumb, wiping away a bit of food that was on Peter's face. Peter, the adopted son of Tony and Steve, feels like he's being ignored by everyone around him. youll get it soon.