buying calves to fatten and sell

Detzel has found that establishing a relationship with a cow/calf operation has increased his chances for success. Words: Sheryn Dean Raising a couple of beefies is a relatively easy way to keep your grass under control and provide the family with meat. This leads to the second type, which is to buy those weaners and fatten them to feed-lot size. Also, if the idea of a special breed of cow appeals to you, hold off on that dream for a bit, too. Buying vaccinated cattle decreases the chances for common diseases such as pink eye and bovine respiratory disease, which is similar to pneumonia in humans. Below is an example of how producers can calculate value of gain (VOG). Farmers who wish to wish to evaluate a stocker enterprises profitability need to know how much they can pay for calves in the spring and still make a profit in the fall. When the social-worker-turned-farmer accepted a full-time position with the Ulster County Cooperative Extension office, he didnt have the time for harvesting crops and maintaining equipment. His contract with the seller included treatment of any sick after they arrived on his property. They too should have straight, strong legs and move smoothly as they walk. Another decent place to buy cattle from is from farmers who advertise online. Its quite a gamble and you want your first experience with cows to be as easy as possible. This article originally appeared in the January/February 2020 issue ofHobby Farmsmagazine. Purchasing calves (stockers) in spring and selling them in the fall as feeder cattle may be a way to convert pasture to profit for those with a surplus of grass but not a lot of facilities. As an Amazon Associate, earns from qualifying purchases. If calves are bawling or commingled from numerous sources together, it means they were just separated from their mother and thrust into a challenging environment. Udder: The best cows should have four quarters that are fairly similar in size. The prices used for this analysis were for 425-poundand 575-poundFeeder Steer Calves (Medium and Large Frame, #1 Muscle Score) from the USDA Florida Cattle Auctions Weekly Summary for the week ending April 13th, 2018. Castrating at an older age is also physically harder for the animal to recover. Knowing what auctions pay more for or take discounts can help producers maximize their product. There was a lot to it, but the raw basic lesson was to check the beef futures contract prices. Before buying cattle decide what breed, age, size, class and type of cattle you are actually looking for. Even just 3 or 4 months of growth in a heifer can mean the difference between an easy calving and a healthy, strong, good-sized calf and a difficult calving and small calf. "The prices at the stockyard have come down due to the fact that most people buying cows to fatten them up and send them to the Midwest are not buying . If you call someone, be respectful of their time. Outdoor Hub, LLC (d/b/a Carbon Media Group), 30800 Telegraph Rd, Suite 1921, Bingham Farms, MI 48025 USA. The facility can accommodate more than 400 head of 500-pound calves at any one time. Our Angus heifers start having reliable heats when they are around 9 or 10 months old. Therefore, for calves to be ready for market on May 1, they need to be weaned in early September at the appropriate age and weight. Regardless of when you sell your calves, this vitamin and mineral supplement has all the fortification your animals will need combined with Amaferm, a precision prebiotic designed to enhance digestibility by amplifying nutrient supply for maximum performance. In the example above, a producer would need to add the 150poundsper feeder steer for less than $126/head or $0.84/poundto add profit to their operation. Additionally, please note that the price of the calf sold ($1.55/lb.) Buyers know what they want and will pay top dollar for it. They should have well-developed muscles in the shoulders and legs. A forum community dedicated to living sustainably and self sufficiently. How to market cattle to maximize value. They modeled financial returns to farmers using beef stockers (those from beef cattle breeds) and Holstein stockers over a six-month grazing season, and used the model to calculate costs and returns on a per head and per acre basis for the stocker and pasture enterprises. The rumen fill is a triangle shaped area on the left hip of the cow. There may be some grass under all those weeds, but the cow will have to work mighty hard to be fed. The Idea of homesteading with daily work on your own property sounds so fantastic.. the whole idea of self-reliance seems very appealing to me .. its now a new dream for me and my family. If youve never owned cattle before, Id recommend planning on buying a commercial-beef-cross weaned heifer or a steer to begin with. While everyone else was bidding on a slaughter cow, he was bidding on a bred cow. The Aggieville Showdown continues to put agriculture in the Aggieville Business District with its third annual event set for Saturday, April 1, 2023, featuring cattle exhibitors from across the country. There are people who specialize in these cattle because they have the facilities and expertise to care for them.. Cows will find the one hole in your fence, and it usually happens when youre all dressed up and headed to a wedding or a funeral. The break-even purchase price tables show the importance of the daily rate of gain in another way. While cows can and will eat some weeds, dont make the mistake of thinking that just because its green a cow will eat it. It can be difficult to source the cattle you want, but that doesnt mean that you are locked into one choice, he says. One goal of the homesteading lifestyle is to live as independently as possible, providing for oneself and ones family. Things can fall apart quickly for these calves., help you set up your grazing, water and marketing, Buyers know what they want and will pay top dollar for. With preparation and knowledge about what to look for in bargain cattle, getting into the stocker business can be lucrative. The Fora platform includes forum software by XenForo. Therefore, producers should evaluate value of gain regularly as they prepare to market their feeder calves in 2018 to be more profitable. Dont Get Snookered: The Beginners Guide to Buying Cattle. You could always hay your fields and sell your hay - I don't do this so have no idea if haying is profitable but it seems I am always buying a little hay each year and a lot of cattle men buy a LOT of hay each year. Last spring I wrote an article entitled At What Weight should I sell my Feeder Calves that bought forth many questions on the value of each additional pound of gain. However, that doesnt necessarily mean its the most advantageous to buy the cheapest animals. And if you have to buy winter hay, it will take longer still. Probably less profit but also gets rid of the chance of a loss. Dont make the mistake of buying a bargain cow that you see listed on Craigslist. The corn, feeder cattle inverse relationship is critical to the cattle industry, Tonsor reminds. He only treated two cattle in 2019. The spring seasonal rally is likely to extend well into April. Young cows can have trouble calving if theyre too young, and they need to expend most of their energy into growing their own bodies rather than supporting a pregnancy. The 2023 bull market entered March with modest gains for fed cattle and some impressive gains for feeder cattle and calves. Many feeders will background calves into a stocker program, Blasi says. This article will serve as a follow-up to revisit the value of gain, and share the calculation for producers to use to evaluate their individual situation. Fixing a problem with a few dozen can be much more difficult, expensive, and time-consuming. Youll shoot for a daily gain between 1 12 to 3 pounds a day, Blasi says. The University of Kentucky describes a stocker calf as a steer or heifer that is 6 to 9 months of age and weighs 400 to 700 pounds. Everybody needs to compare that to their cost of gain and calculate their inputs compared to overall expenses. He had all the slaughter cows palpated and bought any that were bred. The teams assumptions resulted in a per head net return (profit) of $85.17 for the beef stockers and $71.08 for the Holstein stockers. Ask if the heifer has been around a bull. For both beef and dairy animals, there are some commonalities. A few beads of moisture on the nose is fine, but the cow or calf shouldnt be snotty. I attended a marketing training a couple decades ago. Avoid buying a cow with a mucus discharge around the eyes. Dairy cows will be much slimmer than beef animals, but they shouldnt look like walking skeletons. What are you looking for in a cow? These drugs boost production of growth-stimulating hormones that help the animal convert feed into muscle, fat, and other tissues more efficiently than they would naturally. A cow with one "dead" quarter can still produce plenty of milk for her calf. Wait and save your money until you can afford what you really want. Contact CIAS for more information about this research. A Mini Highlander might be perfect for his farm, so Ill try to suggest it to him. I enjoy milking and handling my cow every day. They can easily lose 40 to 50 pounds through intercellular water loss and manure production when they are kept in a holding pen for too long. Geographic location, timing, weather, and even the corn market all play a role in what you can expect to receive for your calves. For your first calving season, you probably only want to have to deal with a few cows, and you wont want to have to handle a bull until youve got significant experience with cows. Im going to look for a good business in my area that can sell me some cattle. However, dont waste the farmers time if you really cant offer close to what they are asking for. Priced to sell give me a. Cattle You could apply exactly the same approach to cattle, buying lean or young oxen (or even lean store cows), fattening them, and then selling them. Consider all of these questions before you ever start looking for cattle. Just weaned calves about 6mo old will cost the most, but gain good on grass. 1. This information would be most helpful. Costs associated with seeding the pasture are included, but fertilizer costs are not, since existing soil test levels and stocker manure are assumed to provide adequate nutrients for pasture growth. Early herd rebuilding could happen through the bred cow market, 2023 meat production expected to decline 1%, Protect your grazing cattle all summer with extended-release deworming, Cattle industry honors environmental stewards, Cattle on feed and beef cold storage stocks, Allowed HTML tags:

. Conversely, with fewer fall-born calves, the supply in the spring is lower, so those calves tend to bring higher prices. This is just what it sounds like: You own a cow herd, then sell the calves that are produced. They are excellent meat producers and can easily give you 50 percent of their weight in meat alone. Don Wilson However, the process of buying a cow or two doesnt need to be so scary. The value of gain (VOG) takes that a step further to determine if the cost of adding weight before selling your calves will help you turn an increased profit. That can be good or bad. In addition, extra costs incurred in increasing the rate of gain would have to be deducted. Eyes: The eyes should be bright and clear. After this, the calves are fattened as feeder cattle at special fattening farms until they have reached the slaughter weight of between 1050 and 1200 pounds. If you have a bad feeling about something, let the opportunity go by. The rarest steak in the world, olive wagyu, can cost anywhere from $120 to over $300 for a steak. Online resources like and can help producers forecast the market and make selling decisions. You will have time to get used to caring for the cows before they need to be bred, something that will need to happen around the time they are fifteen months of age. Remember that you dont have to buy the very best cattle to have good animals on your farm. Certified Angus Beef is the market standard, with black Angus bringing premium prices and their red cousins a close second. So if you are wanting to raise cattle for meat, then you should definitely look into this breed. Profit is zero at the break-even price, so farmers need to calculate and add a targeted profit, Schuster says. The bred cows are due for calvin.See More Details. Its a net margin that drives the profit. Its mostly a humane issue, he says. Add in your costs and you come up with the highest amount you can pay for calves. The numbers ($) will be based on gain. in 2003. However, if the animals are standing in filth, (exceptions made for monsoon season when every barnyard becomes a mudhole) flies are everywhere, and trash is piled up, you may want to pass. You may pay more for cattle purchased this way, but you may save yourself some headaches when dealing with a person whose reputation is on the line with every sale. to sell is a weaned calf weighing around 350 to 550 pounds. Let's walk through it step-by-step. ($894/head gross value) and 8-9 weight steer in the same category was ~$137/cwt. Sincerely That means having money in place to buy at least one cow. So I hoped to find someone who allready knows a bit more The absolute worst place to buy cattle is at a livestock auction. This site is operated by a business or businesses owned by Informa PLC and all copyright resides with them. Of course, for your first few animals, youre not looking for a show-quality cow. This artificial . An attractive output price doesnt mean anything if you are a high-cost producer. You touched on many issues but I need information on finishing the cow prior to butchering. Also, if the cows have large, round stickers on their bodies or sticky areas of adhesive on their coats, you may want to pass. We do enjoy improving our herd, and they do a valuable service in keeping our fields free of brush and trees. JNix/Shutterstock. Feedback, questions or accessibility issues: Center for Integrated Agricultural Systems Logo Image, Center for Integrated Agricultural Systems, UW Extension Publication A3718: Stocker enterprise budgets for grass-based systems, Outwintering dairy cattle: the fate of manure components (Research Brief #35), Wisconsin School for Beginning Dairy Farmers (Research Brief #37), 2023 Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System. If it isn't, you need to intervene. The value of gain between weight categories ranged from $0.69 to $1.23 per pound of gain. Many custom feed yards will manage cattle, while you still own them, allowing you to potentially get the cattle price back to where you want it to be by owning cattle throughout their life. Wagyu calves can be 40 times the price of US cattle. Image At the Alderson family . At the . Look at your barns and outbuildings, particularly if you live in an area that sees subzero temperatures and copious precipitation in the winter. It will be good if you decide about the type of cattle. The enterprise budgets require several assumptions. There are factors that depend a lot on . "These cattle, both steers and heifers, are grazing to grow. Health and Disease 26 Animals Going Off Feedlot 26 Lameness 27 . Last spring, he spent an hour each morning moving water, pasture line and minerals to give each pasture resting time for regrowth. Ok I have another question. If the place is well tended and clean-ish, chances are that the farmer is pretty good about caring for his animals. If you dont measure it, you cant manage it, Tonsor said. Or see if someone else could take care of your cattle perhaps? Cattle fattening is a livestock production practice that reduces animal activities, thereby fattening cattle more quickly. My job has shifted and for the next few years I will not be available November through end of February to care for animals. For example, value of gain can vary greatly from weight class to weight class making it very important to calculate the value of gain of all weight classes, before adding additional weight to your feeder calves. Number 8860726. But, its not significantly cheaper than grocery store beef, although the quality is much better. This is where farmers go to sell their cull animals, and when the cows are run through the ring, you have no clue about where they came from, what their general health status is, or what diseases they may be carrying. If a producer has done his or her homework, has studied the future market and calculated their breakeven, retained ownership of calves through the feed yard might be a viable choice. A field full of pigweed, broom sedge, blackberry briars, and thistle will starve a cow. Notify me via e-mail if anyone answers my comment. I think its a good investment to also look into large animal feed dealers to supply the cattle with nutrients if he decides to get them. The only exception to this rule is when a particular area is suffering from a severe drought. June 14, 2022 long lake, florence county, wi long lake, florence county, wi These programs often specify a level of management to ensure . Cattle dont like change, so if you can buy the same brand of feed from the original owner, that will help them adjust to the change. A 10 percent drop in the selling price compared to the budget price results in a decrease in profit of $63.91 per beef stocker and $47.60 per Holstein stocker. Crosses will be easier for you to learn on, for starters. The break-even selling price for beef stockers was $0.59 per pound, which is a $0.21 price spread. You (very likely) will not win in this situation. After a typical birth the calf should breathe within 30 seconds of delivery, says Dr. Geof Smith, dairy technical services veterinarian for Zoetis. (Privacy Policy) *. We take two percent shrink off the top because of undigested feed in the digestive tract, Blasi says. Stocker or backgrounding operations purchase the weaned calf from the commercial cow-calf producers. Preparing Bull Calves for a Feedlot 18 Veterinarian Check 18 Feed Ration 21 Key Ingredients 21 Fiber 22. Together, they go in on trucking and ship their cattle out of state to auction in Missouri. Just watch those horns, as they can unintentionally gauge you. Dont get in a hurry as you search for cattle. Otherwise your just trading dollars. As in most homesteading projects, you should plan to start small. Try a mix of corn and molasses (you can get this as fattening mix from a feed mill). Although the cattle market continues to deal with burdensome levels of market-ready finished cattle, strong consumer demand has kept a floor on fat cattle . Many homesteaders dream of owning a dairy cow that can provide them with milk and a yearly steer for the freezer, but save that dream for the future when youve learned a little more about cows and taking care of them. buying calves to fatten and sell. The Virginia Feeder Cattle Summary stated, that during September 2013 the weighted average price for a 6-7 weight medium and large #1 muscle feeder steers was~ $149/cwt. You'll need to own cattle in order to sell cattle. Not Holsteins. But being too cheap can end up eating into profits over the long run. for the three years. is the go-to online platform for private treaty sales of livestock, horses, and hay. Livestock auctions generally fall into two categories: regular weekly sales and special sales: Regular sales are held each week at a specific date and time. My grandfather has a small cattle farm, and I do visit them from time to time. At any rate, by the time you pay for the bottle calf, milk replacer, calf starter, and high-quality hay, you probably would have been better off to just buy a weaned calf, which is what I recommend for beginners. A simple equation for VOG is: (Sale Price - Purchase Price)/ (Sale Weight - Purchase Weight). The break-even selling price for Holstein stockers is just under $0.58 per pound, which is a $0.32 price spread. This may indicate pinkeye. The key is providing enough space in the pasture for the cattle to lounge and ruminate, and carry low stress. They calculated the point where returns equal costs (break-even points) by varying daily rate of gain and price spread. After weaning from its mother, a stocker is put on grass or some other type of forage to promote growth and weight gain. Some farmers price their cattle higher and expect you to dicker with them. They also developed a set of tables that show break-even points for both beef and Holstein stockers. I went against all the recommendations when I bought my first round of stockers, he says. Email Seller Video Chat. Larger animals can be sold for more money on the market as they yield more meat. IMO if you are going to rear calves then do a batch of 20 or 30 and make it worthwhile and try and source from 1 place. But Arnold, 67, said . If corn drops, feeder cattle get more valuable, Tonsor said. A neighbor wanted to get into cattle. A higher price on sale day is not on its own indicative of an increased profit. Easter egg or multicolored cattle, yellowish colored cattle and anything with big ears tend to get a bad rap and discounted at auction. Increasing the number of earlier calving cows will increase the average weaning weight in the fall. January, 1999, Our WorkFarming SystemsFood SystemsBeginning Farmer Resources DonateAbout CIAS, All eventsThe Great Lakes Great Apple CrunchThe Wisconsin Chili LunchNative Nations Workshop, UW-Madison Center for Integrated Agricultural Systems1535 Observatory Drive Madison, WI 53706 608-262-5200Map. Angus. In future we will fatten the calves from our house cows for meat, but we bought this steer before we got the cows. Here are a few characteristics of a healthy animal: The best way to determine what makes a good cow is to look at lots of them. Coat: The coat of a healthy animal should be smooth. 2. Cattle fattening is a livestock production practice that reduces animal movements thereby fattening cattle more quickly. Tonsor reminds producers that if they do choose to keep their spring-born calves until they are yearlings and sell them in the spring, that is when calculating VOG is imperative. Being incalf might be a bonus.! The average value of a 550 lb bull calf from 2010 to 2017 in Kentucky auction markets was $853 (550 lb @ $155 per cwt). Notify me by email when the comment gets approved. Buying better quality stock also means being prepared to reject a delivery of cattle or walking away at an auction. Any sound will do, ringing a bell, honking your car horn, or even playing an instrument. Being out with the herd in the morning moving line or water is the best way to, Kansas State University Beef Stocker Unit. Most often, these cattle are grazed, meaning its imperative to provide enough good quality forage to sustain the herd. Informa Markets, a trading division of Informa PLC. But, is this really the best time to sell? The more you know, the more likely you are to succeed. my family and i are getting ready to start or ranch. Chances are they can help you generate a few different names to source from. Beef cows are generally more flighty than dairy animals, but they shouldnt bolt if you or the farmer walks quietly among them. Thank you for pointing out that owning cattle can help you achieve your goal of living independently. Regular sales attract all types of animals, but you'll routinely see dairy bull calves, dairy cull cows and finished . Since stocker operations are buying calves and selling them as feeder cattle, their March is a good time to find this type. Due to the increase in absorption and digestion, your calves should gain more efficiently and convert and grow more quickly. If you dont have a way to transport the cattle home, you will need to ask the farmer if he delivers and what his price is for that. If someone is selling cattle at significantly below market prices, theres probably a reason, and its probably not because they are kind-hearted and generous. it gives you a lot to think about. The team found that each additional 0.1 pound of gain per day for both beef and Holstein stockers is worth about $13 (net) per head when they are sold, using the numbers in this example, and keeping in mind that prices per pound may decrease as weights increase. Marketing strategy for cattle. Theyll have good-looking coats, and theyll be spread across the pasture rather than balled into a group.. They are able to eat grass and hay and live away from their mamas. One way to help make sure your calves grow efficiently, while staying healthy is to provide them with the VitaFerm Gain Smart mineral, designed for weaned calves through yearlings. Before you buy, try to learn about what makes a good cow. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Some producers use hedging instruments in the form of forward, futures, or options contracts to protect their prices. Consider if a calf is born 30 days earlier in the calving season and gains 2 pounds per day while on the cow, the calf will weigh 60 pounds more at the same weaning date in the fall. The key to profitability is good management and knowing what works best for your operation. They should be properly weaned, Blasi says. You can resell in the fall but again that's what everyone dose. A calf born in the spring and sold during the fall run never has the cost associated with winter care. The break-even purchase price tables highlight how price spread affects financial performance. Everyone has grass in the spring. Detzel leverages his relationship with the producer he buys his calves from. Much of what you pay for a cow will be out of your control; the market is what it is. Bring a cattle-wise friend along to make sure that you get a good deal. Even if they were vaccinated in the past, it wont hurt them to do it again, and that way that you make sure that they are protected. He paid more for preconditioned cattle who were vaccinated. So be proactive with your cattles health. There are many methods to add weight to feeder calves that vary considerably. In this example, beef stockers are purchased for $0.80 per pound and sold for $0.68 per pound, a price spread of $0.12. They may act nervous for a few days until they settle in. Barley as a Fattening Feed for Cattle and Swine in South Dakota J.W . There are four factors that need to be considered to obtain profit from feeding cull cows. Paid a fortune to ship them to his place. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission, which supports our community. Producers must analyze their individual situation to determine if the value of the additional pounds will be . We supply the birds, feed and technical advice, while the farmers care for the chickens by providing the farm, housing and labor. Second, the buy/sell margin should be positive. Most cattle marketed through abattoirs come from feedlots.In an on-farm feedlot, the farmer fattens young cattle in pens or large paddocks, using bought-in or home-grown feed. Rumen papillae are developed with grain feeding and are needed to increase the ADG. Another good way of educating yourself is to take classes that many agricultural extension agencies offer. To be successful, you must check the current price in the market so you can get a grasp on what your buying offers should be and what you can expect to get when you sell your cattle. But there is no further information online to which point it's profitable to feed them. Blasi compares this environment to a kindergarten classroom, where one kid comes to school with a runny nose, wipes it with their hand or sleeve and spreads to their classmates. New stocker operators tend to overestimate the amount of forage they have when they realize that they will not have to graze their [cattle] late into the season because they will likely be sold in the early fall.. Thanks! makes it easy for buyers to find the right livestock, horses, and hay for sale. 2. Educate yourself before you take your money out of the bank and you wont get snookered as you add cattle to your homestead. Angus cattle are one of the most popular breeds of cattle in the US. In terms of equipment, think about trailers, feeders, waterers, chutes . Aug 15, 2009. Baker and Miguel Gomez evaluated the price per pound of 30,000 head of cattle. This helpful online tool includes price forecasting for various regions across the country, for different feeder cattle types, at different times of year. These cows don't produce any milk, you just feed them to gain weight and then sell them. Notify me of followup comments via e-mail.