why did diane and mr peanutbutter divorce

Mr. Peanutbutter then gets back in the car and BoJack tells him he wants to go back to prison as he doesn't feel like he can be around people. Showing he isn't oblivious to how BoJack treats him, he questions why BoJack doesn't like him. While sitting on a bench, she gets a call from Mr. Peanutbutter. Diane even outright says this to him, advising him to actually go to auditions, and get a new agent. Diane then questions him writing a memoir and he says it was remarkably easy for him. She then publishes her article, which leads to the two throwing and breaking their computers and coffee mugs, and Mr. Peanutbutter pins Diane to the wall as the two struggle against one another. Pickles explains she had to text her friend, and it was weird to watch her sweetheart boyfriend play a mean cop. She tells him it's too much pressure to try to be as fun as his ex-wives, and she runs out of the house. She goes on to say Mr. Peanutbutter can't do hurtful things anymore because it's not OK. BoJack then asks why the set looks like his house. Mr. Peanutbutter in the meanwhile gets his driver's license suspended for chasing after mailmen. BoJack comments he's brought so many ex-wives and girlfriends over the years it's hard to keep track, a comment Pickles doesn't seem to appreciate. BoJack, still pretending to be the coin sorter, tells Mr. Peanutbutter to go to Pickles anyway and Mr. Peanutbutter agrees. Mr. Peanutbutter stays in the upstairs bedroom watching Pickles sulk. Although it makes Doug cry, Doug admits that he needed to hear it and gives Mr. Peanutbutter a hug and then thanks him. Mr. Peanutbutter also starts ranting about Greg, a man he met once at a gas station, saying that he sucks too. Around this time, he was married to a woman named Katrina. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! On Halloween 2009, Mr. Peanutbutter and Diane attended BoJack's Halloween party. Following, she grabs her keys and heads out to aid them. We learn valuable lessons through their antics, and they remind us how imperfect we are as humans and how heavily our own thoughts can affect us. They awkwardly shake hands before she gets out of the car. Mr. Peanutbutter apologizes and says he got distracted by the fun party. The next morning BoJack wakes up to Mr. Peanutbutter cooking breakfast. Flip yells cut. BoJack explains that the letter is from Hollyhock and he can't open it because he's afraid she'll tell him she never wants to speak to him or see him again. Mr. Peanutbutter calls Diane, and, still acting as if Diane is in Cordovia, he tells her he can't find the batteries for the remote, and that he should come home and help him. Mr. Peanutbutter then tells her he went to see his doctor in order see if he could make him feel better. Princess Carolyn shows up at Mr. Peanutbutter's house, to find it smelling of skunk and marijuana, courtesy of Todd smoking a joint. This somehow works, and he ends up working at a Lady FootLocker until he is approached by Princess Carolyn gets him a job for author J.D. While she was in a relationship with Mr Peanutbutter, BoJack planted a kiss on her lips but she was not interested in reciprocating the affection whatsoever. So, why Diane sleep with Mr. Peanutbutter? He asks her if he should improvise the script Flip is writing and Princess Carolyn tells him no but he thinks she is saying yes. Mr. Peanutbutter goes back to Katrina, telling her he got distracted by some guys with an Ouija board. Pickles tells Joey she will see him later and he puts his hoodie on her shoulders when he realizes she is shivering. In The Face of Depression, BoJack is seen at the airport looking at the flight listings and walks past the bar where Joey Pogo is sitting with Mr. Peanutbutter. The two drive home, acting awkward about talking about the baby, although they had always agreed that they didn't want kids. This starts an argument where Mr. Peanutbutter says that at least no one in his family has anger issues, saying that Pickles father Franco is "a hothead with a little pug complex," and that her mother more than likely provokes him on purpose, suggesting that they get off on it. On set, BoJack is still strangling Gina, even though the scene is over. Mr. Peanutbutter, the star of Mr. Peanutbutter's House, is an adult male yellow Labrador Retriever, who is BoJack Horseman's friend and former sitcom rival. They talked for ten minutes about how the government is using their money. Back in the present, Diane tells Mr. Peanutbutter that she's really happy for him. Mr. Peanutbutter tries to say something but again restrains himself. Peanutbutter. At the desert, an upset Pickles doesn't want to sit on the blanket with Mr. Peanutbutter. Joey then says he can't even imagine getting married right now and that he can't even commit to a social media director. Just then, Todd walks in with Ruthie and asks BoJack if he is ready for his interview. He announces at dinner with Diane, Princess Carolyn, and her new boyfriend Ralph Stilton that hes selling Cabracadabra. In Planned Obsolescence, Mr. Peanutbutter surprises Pickles, by picking her up from work and inviting her to go with him to the desert, so they can watch the international space station being blown up. Mr. Peanutbutter asks how he should fix that. She brings up that now that they are in a new tax bracket, maybe they should pay attention more to how the government is using their money. A drunk BoJack tells everyone to make this party an annual thing, and he wants to see everyone back here next year. Eventually, he goes back to the upstairs bedroom not noticing BoJack, Ruthie, Princess Carolyn or Diane, and asks Pickles if she wants whip cream with her drink, not realizing that Pickles was actually in the bathroom and wearing headphones. 4 years ago Will Diane and Mr. Peanut Butter divorce? In Love And/Or Marriage, Mr. Peanutbutter and Diane are at couples therapy. Like many of the characters on the show, Diane has had her fair share of hardships and heartache. He accepts and Mr. Peanutbutter rescues him when the park begins to crumble and burn down. Pickles tells Mr. Peanutbutter that she still loves him and wants to marry him, but he cant do things that hurt her because its not okay, and Mr. Peanutbutter silently agrees by nodding his head. Mr. Peanutbutter tells Flip he thinks he's actually strangling her. Mr. Peanutbutter counters this and tells her the whole day was spent doing things she wanted to do. Mr. Peanutbutter got to meet Hank at the after-party, excitedly tells Hank how much of a fan he is and how Hank inspired him as a kid, and he got a picture with him. She says that he won't always be her only priority. She has had the epiphany "[she] is all of the Dianes" and Mr. Peanutbutter is really good for her. She was a waitress at Elefant . He notes that shaking off made their problem worse, despite the skunk scent being cleared from their bodies. Mr. Peanutbutter apologizes to Pickles, telling her that he wants her to know everything about him, but he likes her and that every time he sees her he likes her a little bit more. in the following episode against Daniel Radcliffe for charity which BoJack thinks is Daniel's stripper girlfriend or somethingas in Charity (female name) instead of charity (like donating money). Diane wants to leave but is her car is trapped between two vehicles. The two then engage in passionate a. Mr. Peanutbutter says now that he's single he's finally learning to be himself. At the party, Mr. Peanutbutter learns that Jessica auditioned for a role in The Mummy with Brendan Fraser and didn't get the part. He gives her the version without the whip cream and Pickles says now she actually wants whip cream. The following morning, Mr. Peanutbutter visits BoJack at the rehab center, much to BoJacks chagrin. She nervously sings the theme song. Mr. Peanutbutter loves honeydew, while BoJack hates it. She tells him they should leave, but BoJack is frustrated because he thinks she's acting weird since she hates parties. Mr. Peanutbutter is standing outside the bathroom, trying to get Pickles to come out. Princess Carolyn suggests they take a tomato bath. As BoJack is struggling against the crew members, Gina says "What the fuck is wrong with you?" They get interrupted by Pickles again and this causes Diane to react harshly. She gets upset, as it reminded her he'll never kiss her like that againand drives off crying and heartbroken. The universe is a cruel, uncaring void. She started out as fun and cheerful and they were happily married. Mr. Peanutbutter cant remember why, but hes certain the payoff will be huge. Diane then calls Mr. Peanutbutter on the phone and he sounds excited to hear from her. She goes on to say that your whole life is a puzzle with pieces that don't quite fit. When they enter the house, Pickles tries to turn on the lights by yelling Lights On!," but before she can, Mr. Peanutbutter interrupts her and tells her that what hes about to confess is so shameful he can only do it under the cover of shadow. Mr. Peanutbutter tells Paige and Max the story about his and Pickles plan to be even with each other due to his infidelity and Max tells him Pickles and Joey are in love. An upset Diane tells Mr. Peanutbutter she made a fool of herself in front of BoJack, and questions why he made her talk to him. Sure, Mr. Peanutbutter doesn't always "get" things - like why fracking is bad for the world, even if a giant drill sounds cool. Princess Carolyn answers the door to find three teenage Trick-or-Treaters. According to the model sheets, he is 6ft tall. While sitting in a circle listening to Doug tell a story about lying, cheating, and stealing, Mr. Peanutbutter asks if Doug ever told his wife about the cheating. Mr. Peanutbutter then takes BoJack to the Smithsonian, where he shows him that his old sweater from Horsin Around is on display. A teenage Todd and his friends try to trick-or-treat at BoJack's house, but Princess Carolyn turns them away, motivating them to cover the place in toilet . However, after the two take their bath, Mr. Peanutbutter becomes irritated by the tomato sauce in his fur and tries to resist shaking off. Feeling melancholy, she travels to Vietnam to get away from it all. Mr. Peanutbutter begins his campaign for governor, although he cannot run unless they get enough backers to recall the current governor, Woodchuck Coodchuck-Berkowitz. Divorce Mr. Peanutbutter and Diane's divorce is a good look at intimacy and relationships. The lawyer informs Todd that it isn't legal and that he'll see him in court. Mr. Peanutbutter says that he does, and Audrey splashes it on his face instead, and Mr. Peanutbutter tells Donna that he needs a new scarf. She states she doesn't want Mr. Peanutbutter to be governor because she thinks he would be bad at it. Pickles is excited to go to her first fancy Hollywoo party. She assures him she'll call him if she's out late, and that she's probably not going to have a good time and she's only doing it for work. Hollywoo Stars and Celebrities: What Do They Know? Mr. Peanutbutter intended to get another "D" but the unveiling reveals it's a "B," turning Hollywoo into "Hollywoob.". When Mr. Peanutbutter hears her crying from downstairs he decides to go talk to her and runs upstairs while everyone except Princess Carolyn, Todd, and Ruthie quickly leave the house. It was the fact that PB only knew how to express his love in his way (through huge romantic gestures) instead of recognizing how to actually connect with her. She continued to be cruel and cold towards Mr. Peanutbutter for the remainder of their marriage. At the same time, people who had arrived at Mr. Peanutbutter's house for the surprise wedding jump out and yell Surprise! but they quickly retreat once Mr. Peanutbutter confesses his adultery, much to Pickles' shock. Mr. Peanutbutter is on BoJack's couch talking to two actors from Glee, asking why they also sing when they're not in the glee club. Diane nervously rambles about how she loved Horsin Around and how the show played a huge role in her formative years. BoJack and Gina film the nude painting scene, however, they have to cut when Mr. Peanutbutter starts shouting "Oohs" and "Aahs" for support. Sometime later, Mr. Peanutbutter, Princess Carolyn, and Karen Kitada are in a meeting with Pinky Penguin trying to pitch Birthday Dad as a TV show and Pinky Penguin takes it. Mr. Peanutbutter says anytime he went to a Halloween party with Katrina, they always got in a big fight, but Jessica tells him she isn't Katrina, and they'll have fun. She runs off crying. Jessica yells at Mr. Peanutbutter for not keeping the mummy away, while also revealing she auditioned to play the actual mummy as she storms off. Flip tells him he's never been to his houseit's supposed to represent how John Philbert feels: spare and lonely. In Nice While It Lasted, BoJack is sentenced to Super-Max Prison for fourteen months. Like real-life dogs, he can't eat chocolate (it's poisonous to them), watch fireworks or listen to loud noises (dogs have sensitive ears). Mr. Peanutbutter goes to see his agent, Ronnie Bonito, although after waiting outside all day he goes into his office to find Ronnie has accidentally died from auto-erotic asphyxiation. She yells at him for leaving her alone, the one thing she asked him not to do, and how he never listens. Either Diane refused to take Mr Peanutbutter's money because she wants to be independent and would see it as a sign of weakness or she wanted to be able to maintain a good relationship with him afterwards and felt that if he had to send her a check every month, that wasn't going to happen. Pickles asks, "sexy?" Todd celebrates his legal victory with a party at BoJack's house. Princess Carolyn is understandably confused but says that she'll look into getting the film rights. If theyre really trying to level the playing field, then Pickles having sex with Carl doesnt count. Diane does admit that he went all out. Thus ending their relationship. Mr. Peanutbutter celebrates Diane's thirty-fifth birthday with her in After the Party. He tells Mr. Peanutbutter he thinks someone is hiding something. In a flashback to the party, Diane spots Mr. Peanutbutter kissing Pickles, the waitress from the restaurant. Spurred on by Margo Martindale at the courthouse to tell Diane his feelings for her, BoJack rushes to the wedding, only to be stopped by an angry Todd telling him to stop intruding in other people's lives. After abandoning their first idea of a Halloween store during January, Mr. Peanutbutter throws a large launch party for "Smoodies" (a mood you can drink) at his house without an actual product behind the idea. Let us know down in the comment section! Gina tells him that his mom is dead, and Mr. Peanutbutter realizes this after realizing that the farm had no phones or internet. Mr. Peanutbutter ends up proposing to Pickles, instead of telling her the truth, setting the cycle of all his failed marriages back in motion. Although Doug agrees with him, Mr. Peanutbutter backtracks saying that confessing to cheating might just be his guilt talking, and maybe it would be better if he let sleeping dogs lie." It had nothing to do with the room itself. He confesses that he cheated on her twice a few months ago with Diane, much to Pickles grief, and she throws the ring again and starts screaming at such a high frequency that the glass window shatters. Mr. Peanutbutter says okay, but she has to come, and she agrees to come if he has the divorce papers. However, J.D. They all barge in. They agree fast food doesn't count and stop at a KFC, but it turns out to be "Kiki's French Cuisine," a fancy restaurant full of couples on dates. However, Diane tells him she doesn't want to get back together with him, even though he pleads that he still loves her. Mr. Peanutbutter says he could proposition some young men on set. She promises to let him know and hands him his jacket back. BoJack takes a selfie outside of the Capital building and posts it on Instagram, and the first comment is from Mr. Peanutbutter telling him to turn around. Let's Find Out! As he and Mr. Peanutbutter leave Princess Carolyn's office, Todd suggests he and Maude go on a double date with Mr. Peanutbutter and Pickles. The episode Brrap Brrap Pew Pew begins right where the previous ended, with Diane, at the hospital with Mr. Peanutbutter, cursing at the revelation that she is pregnant. Diane, who now has a bunch of car keys, is still trying to get her car out and calling people to move their cars. He says things like they'll all die one day, and it's cruel to let people love you because you're just promising one day you'll break their hearts. BoJack leaves after telling her that her new haircut looks great and Mr. Peanutbutter will love it. After they calm down, Diane says she thinks their marriage is like a magic eye poster, as at first glance, it's messy and doesn't make sense, but if you squint hard enough, everything lines up. They both agree to get an abortion. After learning the truth, they agree . He tells Diane that he keeps taking amazing women and ruining them. He doesn't seem to take into mind their individual personalities and needs. Pickles tearfully shouts at him that she is having fun, which interrupts the party. This puts a damper on the mood, and Pickles says that they should just finish their meal and then head to watch the explosion. Mr. Peanutbutter instead encourages her to go talk to BoJack, who just got a phone call from his mother, and is asking if it could wait. Traveha 4 yr. ago Hey not to be that guy but I hope they don't divorce. Diane angrily tells him he didn't trust that she knew something, and he says he just wanted to double-check anyway. Just then, Mr. Peanutbutter gets a text from Pickles saying they have broken up forever. After this, he calls Diane and tells her he's really proud of her that she's in Cordovia doing great things. Meanwhile, as the therapist pointed out, even though she's a writer, Diane does not express her feeling for Mr Peanutbutter (save for the influence of drugs) yet he accepts Diane for her way (or lack thereof) of expressing herself so in that sense it's an uneven relationship. Flip yells cut and tells Mr. Peanutbutter that's what real strangling looks like. Mr. Peanutbutter asks for credit for the surprise party, in which Diane says she didn't want it. BoJack says he was shocked Princess Carolyn managed to get him out of prison for the weekend. Pickles then thinks it over again. However, BoJack is double-crossed when Mr. Peanutbutter has the 'D' delivered to his house instead and falsely confessed to stealing it as a romantic gesture for Diane. BoJack explains these are the clothes he went in with and didn't realize he would be going to a wedding in a year. The changes to the film become increasingly drastic until the film is canceled altogether when Quentin and Todd decide the story should be told as a "bi-monthly curated box of snacks.". BoJack says he's aware.