wwf 1993 roster

He tried to pin Yokozuna, although pinfalls are not counted during a Royal Rumble. 1993 Chevrolet Camero Tournament Opening Round: Danny Davis defeated Bo Alexander 1/27/93: A WrestleMania IX press conference was held in Las Vegas with the top three matches announced as WWF World Champion Bret Hart vs. Yokozuna, Mr. Virgil pinned Iron Mike Sharpe WWF Tag Team Champions Rick & Scott Steiner defeated the Headshrinkers Owen Hart defeated Chris Duffy via submission with the Sharpshooter; after the bout, Bobby Heenan attempted to interview Hart at ringside regarding the Survivor Series but Owen walked off without saying a word Tatanka defeated WWF IC Champion Shawn Michaels via disqualification Tatanka defeated Razor Ramon Doink the Clown defeated Jim Powers via submission at 3:04 with the Stump Puller; during the bout, a second Doink cut an insert promo Bastion Booger (sub. Crush pinned USWA Champion Jeff Jarrett to win the title after hitting him with a foreign object given to him by Toni Adams, USWA @ Leitchfield, KY Grayson County High School November 16, 1993 Virgil pinned Reno Riggins (sub. Perfect defeated Ric Flair. WCW Japan Supershow III: Masa Saito & Shinya Hashimoto defeated Dustin Rhodes & Scott Norton at 13:46 when Hashimoto pinned Rhodes with an enzuiguri after Norton prevented the pinfall after Hashimoto hit a DDT Mr. Hughes pinned Jason Knight at 2:07 with the sidewalk slam; during the match, Bobby Heenan was shown changing the channels on a TV on the commentary table Slaughter was the guest referee for the match, WWF @ Minneapolis, MN Target Center June 5, 1993 (3,300) WWF Tag Team Champions Rick & Scott Steiner defeated the Headshrinkers when Rick pinned Fatu Perfect vs. WWF IC Champion Shawn Michaels, WWF @ San Diego, CA Sports Arena May 13, 1993 (2,000) WWF Tag Team Champions Ted Dibiase & IRS defeated the Nasty Boys Tatanka defeated the Predator Yokozuna (w/ Mr. Fuji) pinned Randy Savage with a belly to belly suplex after Fuji hit Savage with the Japanese flag pole Men on a Mission defeated Tom Stone & Barry Horowitz WWF IC Champion Shawn Michaels pinned Marty Jannetty at 14:20 with a superkick after Sensational Sherri accidentally hit the challenger in the face with her high heel; Sherri stood in a neutral corner until late in the match when she turned on Michaels; after the bout, Gene Okerlund attempted to conduct a backstage interview with Sherri, with Michaels then running backstage after seeing it on the video wall and cornering Sherri until Jannetty jumped him from behind, with the two men brawling until the fight was broken up by officials (Sherris return after a 3-month absence; Jannettys last appearance for 4 months as he was fired the following day in San Jose after being found passed out in the locker room) Mr. Koko B. Ware defeated USWA Southern Champion Brian Christopher via disqualification WWF Tag Team Champions Ted Dibiase & IRS defeated the Nasty Boys Moondog Spike & Mike Anthony (sub. Bam Bam Bigelow (sub. Gonzales, Brutus "The Barber" Beefcake, Moe, Mable for WWF IC Champion Shawn Michaels) via disqualification The Beverlys regained the advantage and took turns attacking Scott's back. The Quebecers ( Jacques & Pierre) (c) vs. for Lance Cassidy) at 9:20 with a sit-down powerbomb WWF World Champion Bret Hart pinned Ric Flair, WWF @ Poughkeepsie, NY Mid-Hudson Civic Center January 9, 1993 Giant Gonzalez, WWF @ Sioux City, IA Arena June 2, 1993 Ludvig Borga defeated Greg Hatfield via submission at 1:56 with the backbreaker Mr. Perfect pinned LA Gore with the Perfect Plex Bret Hart defeated Bam Bam Bigelow, WWF @ Belfast, Northern Ireland Kings Hall April 20, 1993 Tatsumi Fujinami defeated Shiro Koshinaka Undertaker, Brian Knobbs, Jerry Saggs, "The Mountie" Jauques Rougeau, "The Doink the Clown defeated Jim Powers via submission with the Stump Puller at 5:57 TOTAL ROSTER: 44, The WWF roster for October 1993 was as follows: "MVP" Steve Lombardi, Brett Lex Luger pinned Jim Powers with the running forearm at 1:30; prior to the bout, Powers briefly posed in Lugers full length mirror before being clotheslined from behind; after the match, Powers was looked over by EMTs before he came to. WWF Superstars taping: WWF Tag Team Champions Rick & Scott Steiner defeated Glen Ruth & Mike Bell at 2:59 when Scott pinned Ruth following the top rope bulldog double team Barry Horowitz, Crush, Fatu, Samu, Scott "Razor Ramon" Hall, Bob Backlund, The Undertaker defeated the Berzerker (sub. 12/18/93 included a pre-taped sit-down interview between Vince McMahon and Bret Hart in which they discussed Owens comments from the previous week and Bret said he would never under any circumstances fight his brother in the ring: The Undertaker defeated Giant Gonzalez via disqualification for WWF Tag Team Champions the Quebecers The first event takes place at the Manhattan Center in New York City. The Headshrinkers (w/ Afa) defeated Scott Bazo & Bob Young at 2:46 when Fatu pinned Bazo with the splash off the top Included an in-ring segment in which WWF Tag Team Champions the Quebecers protested having to face Bam Bam Bigelow & Adam Bomb instead of Rick & Scott Steiner Sensational Sherri defated Luna Vachon via reverse decision; Luna initially won the match after Doink the Clown came ringside and tossed a bucket of water in Sherris face The Bushwhackers & Tiger Jackson defeated Blake Beverly, Damien Demento, & Little Louie The Undertaker defeated Papa Shango Our complete Pro Wrestlers Database allows you to travel through time and see the WWE Roster by Year or any specific Date in history. The Undertaker defeated Giant Gonzalez (sub. Ms. Texas defeated Sensational Sherri via reverse decision for Lex Luger) defeated Bam Bam Bigelow (w/ Luna Vachon) via count-out at 12:49 after hitting the Samoan Drop on the floor; after the match, Luna distracted Tatanka before Bigelow attacked Tatanka from behind and knocked him out with an enzuiguri; moments later, Bigelow attempted to cut off some of Tatankas hair until several referees came out to stop him; Tatanka eventually came to, fought off Bigelow, grabbed at Luna while attempting to cut her hair, and then cleared both from the ring with the scissors (Inside the WWF) Men on a Mission defeated the Brooklyn Brawler & Brian Costello Razor Ramon defeated WWF IC Champion Shawn Michaels via count-out at 8:51 when Diesel pulled the champion out of the ring and helped him backstage immediately after the challenger hit the Razors Edge; after the bout, Razor grabbed the microphone and challenged Michaels to bring Diesel and the belt back out, with Michaels and Diesel returning briefly before leaving ringside (Diesels MSG debut) The Undertaker defeated WWF World Champion Yokozuna in a non-title casket match Rotundo, "Tatanka" Chris Chavis, "The Rocket" Owen Hart, Barry WWF IC Champion Shawn Michaels pinned Marty Jannetty with his feet on the ropes Tatanka pinned Damien Demento at 4:55 with a tomahawk chop off the top The Headshrinkers defeated Men on a Mission when Samu pinned Mo PG-13 defeated the American Eagles for Kamala, who had a family emergency) WWF World Champion Bret Hart & Mr. WWF @ Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island Civic Centre March 11, 1993, WWF @ Johnstown, PA Cambria County War Memorial March 11, 1993 (2,000) Owen Hart pinned Iron Mike Sharpe at 2:32 with a missile dropkick Mountie" Jauques Rougeau, Mike "I.R.S." Rick & Scott Steiner defeated the Beverly Brothers at 10:21 when Scott pinned Blake with the Frankensteiner Mr. Featured an in-ring promo by Jim Cornette where he insulted the crowd and said Randy Savages match later in the show vs. Crush would be his last The Smoking Gunns defeated Reno Riggins & Scott Taylor Ric Flair fought Tito Santana to a no contest at 8:14 when Mr. Ludvig Borga pinned Tatanka at 10:05 with one finger after Mr. Fuji came ringside and distracted the referee, allowing Borga to his opponent with a steel chair on the floor; after the bout, Fuji invited Yokozuna down to the ring who then gave Tatanka the Bonzai Drop; Lex Luger then fought off the Quebecers backstage and in the aisleway to make the save; as the show came to a close, Tatanka was taken from ringside on a stretcher; as a result of the injuries sustained in the match, Tatanka was taken out of the upcoming Survivor Series pay-per-view (Tatankas first televised pinfall loss in the WWF), WWF @ Portland, ME Civic Center September 29, 1993 (3,000; heavily papered) Bam Bam Bigelow (w/ Luna Vachon) pinned Rod Bell at 1:42 with the diving headbutt; after the bout, Doink the Clown made his way to the ring for his match and met Bigelow & Luna in the aisle; Doink then dumped a pail of confetti over Bigelows head and, after Bigelow left, a pail of water over Lunas head; Bigelow then returned and chased Doink under the ring; when Bigelow couldnt find him, he attacked Doinks scheduled opponent after he tried consoling Luna in the ring; as this was happening, Doink crawled out from under the ring and tied a tripwire across the guardrails; moments later, Doink attacked Bigelow in the ring with a broom until Bigelow chased him off and tripped over the wire Rick & Scott Steiner defeated Mark Ming & Jim Armstrong following the top rope bulldog double team Rick Martel defeated Marty Jannetty WWF IC Champion Razor Ramon defeated IRS via count-out Rick & Scott Steiner defeated WWF Tag Team Champions the Quebecers via disqualification at 12:37 when Pierre jumped on referee Danny Davis to prevent Jacques from being pinned after sustaining the Frankensteiner; after the bout, the Steiners celebrated with the title belts; moments later, Scott took the mic and challenged the Quebecers to get back in the ring and try to take the belts from them; Jacques then said they would think about giving the Steiners 5 more minutes, with he, Pierre, and Johnny Polo then returning backstage Marty Jannetty vs. Bastion Booger Owen Hart defeated Bastion Booger Tatanka pinned Papa Shango with a roll up at 6:03 For the 1993 match, it was decided that the winner would receive a match for the championship at WrestleMania IX. Hennig, Luke Williams, Butch Miller,The Undertaker, "The Mountie" Jauques for WWF IC Champion Shawn Michaels) vs. Crush Rick & Scott Steiner defeated Chad Miller & Tom Bennett at 3:46 when Scott pinned Miller following the bulldog off the top double team for Tatanka) pinned Damien Demento with the flying forearm Mr. Virgil defeated Terry Taylor Wrestling Observer potvrdil pedchoz zprvy o tom, e WWE kontaktovala Stevea Austina s nabdkou, aby zpasil s Brockem Lesnarem na WrestleManii 39. Mr. 10/3/93 included Ludvig Borga as a guest of the Kings Court; featured a Special Report segment where it was announced Shawn Michaels had been stripped of the WWF IC Title and suspended for failing to appear for some title matches and not fulfilling his contractual obligations; it was also announced there would be a 20-man battle royal the following week on Raw to determine what two men would battle for the vacant championship; included highlights of the interview from last weeks WWF Superstars where the Undertaker challenged WWF World Champion Yokozuna to a title match; featured a clip of the Mr. The Headshrinkers defeated Tommy Morrison & Sid Curtis USWA Tag Team Championship Tournament Semi Finals: Jerry Lawler & the Red Knight defeated the Moondogs Lex Luger defeated Ludvig Borga Lex Luger defeated Ludvig Borga Mike Anthony defeated Bull Pain The Undertaker defeated Yokozuna via disqualification, USWA @ Memphis, TN Pyramid February 22, 1993 Glen Jacobs defeated Mike Bell WWF IC Champion Shawn Michaels pinned Mr. Doink the Clown defeated Bam Bam Bigelow WWF World Champion Bret Hart vs. Ric Flair, WWF @ Denver, CO Coliseum January 22, 1993 (5,200) Featured two non-televised Kings Court segment, first with Lex Luger, Rick & Scott Steiner, & the Undertaker about their match at the Survivor Series, and a second with guests Stu & Helen Hart, who were actually Johnny Polo & Harvey Wippleman in disguise The 1-2-3 Kid pinned Doink the Clown with a small package (the Kids MSG debut) Bastion Booger defeated an unknown Lex Luger pinned Ludvig Borga Mr. Crush (sub. Lex Luger pinned Ludvig Borga at 12:00 with the running forearm, WWF @ Orlando, FL Arena October 29, 1993 (1,400) IRS defeated Tony Roy for Razor Ramon), WWF @ Ft. Wayne, IN Allen County War Memorial Coliseum February 21, 1993 (matinee) (3,400) The Headshrinkers defeated Dave Thornberg & Bret Tyler Debut at the venue Bam Bam Bigelow pinned Laverne Magille WWF Tag Team Champions Ted Dibiase & IRS defeated Reno Riggins & Jerry Sabin after Dibiase locked Riggins in the Million $ Dream WWF IC Champion Shawn Micheals defeated Mr. The Smoking Gunns defeated Damien Demento & Barry Horowitz at 2:15 when Billy pinned Horowitz following the Sidewinder The Headshrinkers defeated Rick & Scott Steiner The Headshrinkers defeated Owen Hart & Koko B. Ware WWF Tag Team Champions Rick & Scott Steiner defeated the Headshrinkers Moe, Mable, Billy Gunn, Bart Gunn, Mr. Hughes, Bastion Booger, The 1-2-3 Tatanka defeated Rick Martel Tatanka pinned Tom Bennett at 2:26 with the Samoan Drop Brutus Beefcake (w/ Jimmy Hart) pinned Masa Saito at 8:35 with a kneedrop and headbutt after hitting Saito with Harts megaphone; Beefcake played the heel for the bout Slaughter then appeared and said the match would go on regardless of Michaels condition and it was postponned until after intermission The Headshrinkers defeated the Smoking Gunns The Headshrinkers defeated the Bushwhackers 6/21/93: for Marty Jannetty) Giant Gonzalez and WWF World Champion Bret Hart vs. Yokozuna matches later in the show; featured an ad promoting the 1993 King of the Ring; included Okerlund reviewing footage of Yokozunas attack on Jim Duggan and Yoko attacking Hart during the official contract signing; moments later, Okerlund conducted an interview with Hogan, with Hogan saying he just met with Hart and said he supported Hart in his match and then issued a challenge to the winner of Hart vs. Yoko; featured Todd Pettengill conducting an interview with fans in the crowd; Natalie Cole was in attendance for the event; the scheduled match between Kamala and Bam Bam Bigelow was cancelled due to time constraints: WWF Mania 1/1/94 featured Howard Finkel conducting a podium interview with Crush & Mr. Fuji WWF Superstars 2/27/93: The Big Bossman defeated Doink the Clown via reverse decision; Doink had originally won the match via pinfall at around the 4-minute mark after going into his jacket and spraying Bossman in the eyes with a green substance but referee Joey Marella overruled the call after seeing Bossmans face; prior to the bout, Doink attacked Bossman from behind with a gift box (Bossmans last TV appearance for more than 5 years) Tatanka defeated Bam Bam Bigelow via count-out Diesel defeated Bob Backlund Lex Luger vs. Ludvig Borga, WWF @ Birmingham, England NEC Arena December 4, 1993 (9,500) WWF Tag Team Champions Rick & Scott Steiner defeated the Headshrinkers Dark match after the taping: Rick & Scott Steiner defeated the Headshrinkers when Scott pinned Samu, USWA @ Memphis, TN Mid-South Coliseum March 2, 1993 (2,800) Quizzes Created-Created Quiz Play Count-More By This Creator. Dark match after the show: Jim Duggan pinned Yokozuna (w/ Mr. Fuji) at 3:17 with the running clothesline after Fuji accidentally threw salt in Yokos eyes when Duggan moved out of the way, WWF @ Allentown, PA Agricultural Hall April 12, 1993 Yokozuna defeated Jim Duggan Advertised matches included Sensational Sherri vs. Luna Vachon, the Undertaker vs. Lex Luger, and WWF Tag Team Champions Rick & Scott Steiner vs. Ted Dibiase & IRS WWF IC Champion Shawn Michaels pinned Mr. Bob Backlund pinned Terry Zeller with a body scissors into a roll up Men on a Mission defeated the Red & Black Knights Bob Backlund vs. Barry Horowitz; during the match, Savage and Crush began another brawl and the cameras focused on them rather than the match in the ring; as the show came to a close, Savage and Crush were seen fighting outside the arena Mr. Sherri came into the ring and tried to hit Michaels with her shoe. for Fatu) & Samu Randy Savage fought Crush to a double disqualification Tatanka fought Bam Bam Bigelow to a double count-out Papa Shango defeated Louie Spicolli The Dog Catchers defeated the Moondogs for Well Dunn) at 12:12 when Mabel got the pin with a legdrop, WWF @ Locksheldreke, NY Sullivan County Community College November 7, 1993 (sell out) Men on a Mission defeated Well Dunn at 13:25 when Mabel pinned Steven Dunn after a rolling kick Terry Taylor defeated Jim Powers The Undertaker defeated WWF World Champion Yokozuna via disqualification, WWF @ Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island Civic Centre November 25, 1993. 7/25/93: Rick & Scott Steiner defeated Iron Mike Sharpe & Mike Khoury at 2:34 when Scott pinned Khoury following the Frankensteiner Razor Ramon defeated Brian Boyer Crush defeated Louie Spicolli The Headshrinkers (Fatu . Bobby Blaze defeated Chris Candido Tatanka pinned Papa Shango with a roll up at 6:27 The Undertaker (w/ Paul Bearer) defeated Skinner; during the bout, it was announced Jimmy Hart would appear on WWF Mania the coming Saturday and that WWF World Champion Bret Hart would face one of the Headshrinkers the following week on Raw; the match went 2 minutes before the show went off the air; it was announced the conclusion would be shown the following week, USWA @ Louisville, KY February 23, 1993 (600) Jim Duggan defeated Iron Mike Sharpe WWF IC Champion Razor Ramon defated IRS via count-out WWF Tag Team Champions Rick & Scott Steiner defeated the Headshrinkers at 15:00 when Rick pinned Samu with a roll up, WWF @ Niagara Falls, NY Civic & Convention Center August 28, 1993 The sex charges stemmed from an alleged incident involving a 13-year-old girl on June 6 and 7. Damien Demento pinned Jim Brunzell at 5:07 with a jumping kneedrop; during the bout, Rob Bartlett called in to Vince McMahon and Randy Savage on the phone, calling from Las Vegas, wondering why no one was at Raw the previous week; Bartlett then said he had no money and was stuck in Vegas; McMahon hung up on him, claiming there was a bad connection, when Bartlett asked for help getting back; Brunzell used Crank it Up as his theme song for the match Mr. Hughes pinned Dan Farren with the sidewalk slam at 2:19; during the bout, Mr. Fuji cut an insert promo saying he was interested in managing Hughes Rick & Scott Steiner defeated the Headshrinkers WWF IC Champion Razor Ramon defeated IRS Doink the Clown (Keirn) (sub. Bob Backlund pinned the Berzerker with a roll up Owen Hart vs. Blake Beverly WWF @ Utica, NY War Memorial December 1, 1993 (4,500) Chavis, "The Rocket" Owen Hart, Barry Horowitz, Crush, Fatu, Samu, Scott The profile of each WWE wrestler features their Career History, Ring Names, Face / Heel Turns, Accomplishments, Pictures, Bio and more information and statistics. Men on a Mission vs. Ted Dibiase & IRS did not take place as advertised Virgil pinned Reno Riggins with a crucifix The Undertaker defeated Adam Bomb (sub. The Undertaker defeated the Beverly Brothers (sub. WWF Tag Team Champions Ted Dibiase & IRS defeated the Beverly Brothers in a non-title match at 12:59 when Dibiase pinned Beau after Beau accidentally hit Blake when Dibiase moved out of the way; prior to the bout, IRS took the mic and said the fans that didnt file their taxes wouldnt get an extension (Monday Night Raw Prime Cuts UK) WWF World Champion Yokozuna defeated Jim Duggan, WWF @ Cedar Rapids, IA Five Seasons Center June 17, 1993 WWF IC Champion Shawn Michaels defeated Marty Jannetty Virgil (sub. Tito Santana pinned Repo Man Tatanka defeated Bam Bam Bigelow via count-out at 11:21 after hitting the Samoan Drop on the floor; after the bout, Bigelow attacked Tatanka in the ring and hit the diving headbutt Owen Hart defeated Johnny Polo at 7:50 via submission with the Sharpshooter after avoiding a dropkick off the top Randy Savage pinned WWF Tag Team Champion Ted Dibiase (w/ Jimmy Hart) at the 14-minute mark with a DDT Ted Dibiase & IRS defeated WWF Tag Team Champions Rick & Scott Steiner to win the titles after the challengers used IRS steel briefcase as a weapon WWF @ Fargo, ND Fargodome February 18, 1993 The 1-2-3 Kid defeated Doink the Clown Kamala defeated Kimchee WWE Hall of Fame: Full List of Members & Inductees, All Legends & HOF Classes by Year. Tatanka pinned Gus Kantarakis at 3:01 with the Samoan Drop Mr. The Bushwhackers defeated Damien Demento & Repo Man when Butch pinned Repo with the battering ram at 5:28; prior to the bout, the Bushwhackers made their entrance through the crowd, first appearing in the balcony; upon their entrance, the Bushwhackers liked the face of the overweight Raw girl (Repo Mans last appearance for 8 years) Men on a Mission defeated Pat Tanaka & Barry Horowitz Jerry Lawler fought Papa Shango to a double disqualification, WWF @ Peoria, IL Civic Center May 8, 1993 Brutus Beefcake defeated Terry Taylor Jeff Jarrett defeated the Vampire Warrior Tito Santana defeated Repo Man WWF World Champion Yokozuna pinned the Undertaker after hitting him with his salt bucket, WWF @ New Haven, CT Coliseum September 27, 1993 (5,500; 3,200 paid) WWF IC Champion Razor Ramon defeated IRS, WWF @ Philadelphia, PA Spectrum November 20, 1993 (6,800) Ludvig Borga defeated Joey Maggs The Headshrinkers defeated the Smoking Gunns (sub. Jerry "The King" Lawler, "The Narcissist" Lex Luger, The Giant Gonzales, Crush defeated Doink the Clown via disqualification The Undertaker defeated WWF World Champion Yokozuna via disqualification for Owen Hart) bezna 2003 Victoria a Steven Richards porazili Jazz a Trish Stratus v tmovm zpase kdy Jazz na Trish zatoila. Randy Savage vs. Barry Horowitz. Bob Backlund pinned the Brooklyn Brawler with a bridge at 2:50 9/26/93 included footage of the confrontation between Shawn Michaels and the 1-2-3 Kid from last weeks WWF Superstars to begin the broadcast; featured Doink the Clown as a guest of the Kings Court in which Jerry Lawler made Doink his court jester and said he should take orders from him, with Doink then making fun of Lawler and dumping a bucket of water over his head when he had his back turned; included highlights of the Quebec Province Rules and Scott Steiner / Pierre matches from the previous two episodes of Raw: Yokozuna, Matt "Doink the Clown" Borne, "Terrific" Terry Taylor, Damian Television taping: Jeff Gaylord defeated Jim Dodson Perfect at 14:02 after taking his forearm pad off behind the referees back and knocking Perfect out while the referee was distracted by Shawn Michaels and Diesel at ringside; prior to the bout, Luger was forced to wear the pad or he would be fined $25,000 and be suspended for 6 months, King of the Ring 93 Dayton, OH Nutter Center June 13, 1993 (8,000; sell out; 7,000 paid) 9/19/93 hosted by Jim Ross & Bobby Heenan; featured Joe Fowler hosting a Face to Face segment with new WWF Tag Team Champions the Quebecers & Johnny Polo who said they would be happy to grant Rick & Scott Steiner a rematch, if one of them could beat one of the Quebecers in a singles match on this Mondays Raw; featured a promo for the WWF Spotlight Magazine to be released on 9/21 with Hulk Hogan & Jimmy Hart on the cover; included WWF President Jack Tunney as a guest of the Kings Court: Tatanka fought Steve Vega to a no contest when, after Tatankas music played several times, footage on the video wall showed an unconscious Tatanka backstage, with Bam Bam Bigelow cutting Tatankas dyed hair (1993 Year in Review) Crush vs. Papa Shango Mike Anthony defeated Wolfie D Damien Demento pinned Jim Powers with a neckbreaker for WWF IC Champion Shawn Michaels) defeated the Big Bossman The Headshrinkers defeated Owen Hart & Koko B. Ware The Headshrinkers defeated the Smoking Gunns (sub. Jim Duggan pinned Bill Thomas at 2:21 with the running clothesline; after the match, Duggan led the crowd in reciting the Pledge of Alliegance Razor Ramon pinned the Big Bossman Mr. Lex Luger pinned Bret Hart at 25:00 after adjusting his forearm pad and hitting the running forearm, WWF @ New York City, NY Manhattan Center May 31, 1993 (750) Adam Bomb (w/ Johnny Polo) pinned Tito Santana at 5:32 with a slingshot clothesline to the back of Santanas head; during the bout, McMahon said Razor Ramon offered the 1-2-3 Kid $7,500 for a rematch Share with Friends Add To Playlist. 4/24/93 featured a scheduled interview with Bam Bam Bigelow which was interrupted by Sensational Sherri who wanted to talk about Luna Vachon; Bigelow then threatened Sherri when she refused to leave until Tatanka made the save and knocked Bigelow from the interview platform, with both men having to be separated by officials; included the first vignette promoting the debut of the Smoking Gunns; featured an Update segment hosted by Gorilla Monsoon in which footage was shown from the WrestleMania Brunch of Lex Luger knocking out WWF World Champion Bret Hart with his forearm; because of the incident, it was revealed Jack Tunney began an investigation into Lugers forearm and x-rays revealed he had a steel plate surgically implanted in it which was why he had been knocking out all his opponents; because it was part of his body Tunney was unable to do anything about it; included closing comments from Doink the Clown and Mr. Yokozuna pinned Jim Duggan The Headshrinkers defeated Owen Hart & Koko B. Ware The Undertaker (w/ Paul Bearer) pinned Damien Demento with the tombstone at 2:25; during the bout, it was announced Mr. Doomsday defeated Steve Marino Jeff Jarrett defeated Giant Gonzalez, WWF @ Moncton, New Brunswick Coliseum September 9, 1993 The Headshrinkers defeated SMW Tag Team Champions the Rock n Roll Express in a non-title match Bret Hart defeated WWF World Champion Yokozuna via disqualification Adam Bomb, Diesel, Timothy Well, Steven Dunn, Ludvig Borga, Pierre Oullete, Bob Backlund defeated WWF IC Champion Shawn Michaels via count-out, WWF @ Berlin, Germany Desutschlandhalle February 8, 1993 Yokozuna (w/ Mr. Fuji) pinned PJ Walker with a chop and the Bonzai Drop at 2:12; during the bout, it was announced Yokozuna would face Kamala the following week The Smoking Gunns defeated the Brooklyn Brawler & Barry Hardy Rick & Scott Steiner defeated Jim Messanger & Steve Smith Owen Hart pinned Dave Keiner with a belly to belly suplex into a bridge The Undertaker defeated Adam Bomb Typhoon pinned the Brooklyn Brawler at 9:49 with a powerslam after hitting a splash in the corner